Her American with thick Cuban accent is going to be cringe

Her American with thick Cuban accent is going to be cringe

Attached: ac03-SEP-monroe-armas.jpg (1200x675, 68.55K)

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i'm really curious as to weather she can pull this off. I would have cast scarjo which might be too obvious.

Nobody asked for a Marylin Manson movie

the beautiful people did.

Soul vs Soulless

Ana is a disguating mutt

Marilyn Manson had no soul which is she died and Ana de Armas has soul which is why she's still alive.

her nose is all wrong, its a proven fact people remember people by the shape of there nose

That Marilyn Malone you fucking rube

I remember people from the shape of their eyes

I remember people by the shape of their hearts.

Attached: Sting-regressa-a-Portugal-em-Julho.jpg (2400x2893, 2.93M)

Scarjo could never convincingly do Marilyn's extremely soft girlish voice

Here's the better choice.

Attached: sarah 38bcd03735991265a9f5141694b1c9c1-700x700.jpg (700x700, 57.49K)

No, but she could do Grace Kelly.

Isn't ScarJo like 40?

yes and shes covered with horrid tattoos.

Who called the itty bitty titty committee?

Attached: Russ Meyer I always had a tremendous interest in big tits.jpg (850x400, 50.55K)

I see the porn parody with Daisy Taylor

Scarjo is the age Marilyn was when she died.

you do realize that actors have skills that allow them to master an accent for a role rihgt?


Absolutely based, rest in power russ

your mind has been poisoned by memes

>W&D by Andrew Dominik
I don't get it, so it's going to be kino? but how?

She barely speaks English.

i find both of them disgusting

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>4 years ago

Blue eyed bitch.

She's 35.

>Ana De Armas
>skilled actor

Marilyn was curvy though