Why does Yas Forums hate Ed now? Rose was the gold digger

Why does Yas Forums hate Ed now? Rose was the gold digger

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if i had even half of his self-delusion/confidence my life would be so different
Ed is not the man we wish we were but the man we have to become before change comes

we don't, we still love big ed
t. Yas Forums

>Can I halik you

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This is a /toadman/ board.

Do you think he could survive a high speed car crash?

he's literally me

Can I halik you?

i don't watch this show but i've seen clips. can someone explain to me whats up with this guys lack of neck? he has to turn his whole body to look around like the val kilmer from batman returns


He has this:

He was born like that


>didnt see full episode
>see this thread
>look up episode
>teddy starts talking about his daughter
>his daughter is fucking hot
Did he get cucked or

thanks, brahs. also
>tfw you never have a qt rose spray you with a cold water as you "shower" with her father

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Ed was the cheater in the marriage

A confident man does not settle for a flip who lives in a hovel

ok but instagram.com/p/ByxysQUnQKa/

why are weirdo's obsess with oversea women?

Why is he so confused about everything?

Got it from ed side

her smile there is infectious. Too bad she will be unhappy for the rest of her life with this dude

I love her look when ED ask to halik her. Pretty sure he got her drunk and destroyed her.

do they actually fuck?

He sure did.


Ed arrives in a normal Filipino community
>I feel like I'm in a 3rd world country?
What did he mean by that?

Looks like Smeagol had too many potaytos and conies.

this is what peak performance looks like

American education

Imagine for a moment, my dear friends, Toad Man thrusting up and down on top of you.

>all the replies to the top comment
b-bros? I thought the NPC thing was just a meme.

I don't get why women hate ED. Rose is the one thats using him but hes the bad guy


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it's literally "he's ugly so he's a bad person"

He is a bad person.
He cheated on his wife.
He is super rude and disrespectful to everyone.
He treats Rose like shit.