>video games
How do you have time for it all?
I consoom it all at the same time
time is my bitch and I bend it to my will
Watch the evening after supper
It's all shit don't bother
What are you twelve ?
Pretentious and boring
The seasonal stuff plus some older stuff when bored
>video games
After the movie before going to sleep
In the background hile doing other stuff
And that's implying you have stuff to do during the day.
i am a neet but i cant play more than 30 minutes of any game. I cant watch 5 minutes of anything. I used to hear podcasts while a drive but since a left my job 2 months ago i didnt heard any of them. I dont have the will to do anything.
For me it's
>a podcast
>movies/tv whenever
>anime is for degenerate trannies
>podcasts are for zoomers
>youtube is for zoomers
>music is lame
>video games are for zoomers
i spend time with my white aryan wife and children while reading the bible
you just grew up and realised that shit has no benefit, it's just a waste of time and you crave something more rewarding
I listen to all the Podcasts and youtube content i follow during work, its easy when you have to fill 40 hours a week
Maybe 2-3 times a month if I am bored and find a good movie
Maybe 2-3 times a year if I can't find a good movie
Designed to be consumed in 10 minute intervals
Listen while cooking/cleaning/doing hobbies
Once a year if I'M REALLY bored.
>video games
Fucks up my schedule whenever I manage to get invested in a game
I don't listen to music recreationally
what the fuck do you do all day
Just read the wikipedia summary of it. It's all I really need to know to b8 the room temperature IQ types that frequent Yas Forums(nel)
>In the background hile doing other stuff
doesn't count. to listen to music you have to lay down in a dark room with your eyes closed, you're not actually listening to music if you're doing other stuff. So you don't listen to music at all.
If you dont listen to it in a sensory deprivation chamber did you really listen to it?
Nigga nobody is working right now. You have the next few months to work on your back catalog of everything.
Maintaining possessions at the expense of your happiness is no good, guys
>How do you have time for it all?
I am a 10+ year shut-in. Despite that:
maybe 4 episodes a week, if not less
maybe 4 episodes a week, if not less
>video games
one every few months
Throw in
>working out
I dont have time for it all. Work takes up too much time.
You gay or somethin?
Are you from the 1800s?
Shut the fuck it retard. I’m a well known musician. If you’re the type to post Wojacks you probably listen to me fag. And that is not how you listen to music. The
The whole world is in quarantine, we've got loads of time
Imagine still keeping up with music past the age of 20.
>How do you have time for it all?
How do you not, with this quarantine? I've played through 2 video game campaigns and red a 200 page book just this week
Still in common use in many parts of the anglosphere.
>video games
I don't "have time" for it, it eats up my time automatically.
Proof it faggot, timestamp and all
Unironically what is so appealing about anime and why do I see niggers and thots obsess over it now? it is turning into some sort of counter culture bullshit?
Only anime I've watched was pokemon like 20 years ago. Naruto and dragon ball z would come on TV too but even as a youngster I knew it was gay
I only watch anime at night and listen to music/podcasts while doing other things.
Guaranteed I don't listen to you. Anyway I'm right, if you're posting on Yas Forums while "listening", you're not listening. But how do you listen to music according to you?
I dont
>Maybe 2-3 times a month if I am bored and find a good movie
>Maybe 2-3 times a year if I can't find a good movie
Just fuck off then?