ITT: Sequels that were better than the original

ITT: Sequels that were better than the original

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Empire Strikes Back
The Two Towers
Wrath of Khan and Undiscovered Country

i wouldnt say better just different. good as each other but for different reasons

Did K die?

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Bad Boys II

The Dark Knight

The Prisoner (1967)

>can't go five minutes without bringing up massive billion dollar franchises

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Robots can't die

Sorry, but low-budget arthouse movies don't get sequels unless they're some sort of porn

Your older brother.

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Sicario day of soldado
The Godfather Part II (why basedfag shit like muh empires strikes BACK XD got mentioned over this is beyond me)
Mad Max Road Warrior

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attack of the clones
Revenge of the Sith
Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade
mad max 2
kill bill 2
dark knight
spider man 2
hellboy 2
avengers 2
iron man 2
some harry potters

Mad Max wasn't a blockbuster. Actual retard

How many Mad Max movies were there? Four? That wouldn't have happened if they were flops.

Original was a cult hit. Lurk more faggot

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>kvlt hit
>lurk more
wow you have really good taste, what are some of your favorite movies?

This. Pusher II is incredible.

So it's a cult hit because you say so, even though mainstream masses know about it with millions having seen it?

Do you know what "Cult hit" even means? It's like the movie equivalent of a punk album that's incredibly famous among punks, but no one else has ever heard of it.

Replicants aren't robots. They're artificial humans. More like cyborgs

Historie du cinema
Apocalypse Now
The hit
Hard Boiled

What's yours

this desu senpai

That literally doesn't make sense. That would mean I'm better than my brother since I'm the sequel

oh you dont want to hear mine, i have awful taste user. Could you post some more of yours?

Wow that's a lot of millions of people
>hurr but it made a million
If you use actually say this, you're sub zero IQ

>avengers 2
>iron man 2
nigga what?

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How about you blow me instead

iron man is boring. the second one has better villain.
avengers 2 has very good villain


Silence of the Lambs

What does a miracle look like bros?

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never heard of that one, what's it about

like farting pissing shiting woman who gives birth to a grey screaming alien that called newborn