Art hoe dilettantes have enough reach to bring steve bannon on

>art hoe dilettantes have enough reach to bring steve bannon on

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Other urls found in this thread:

>art hoe dilettantes have enough reach to palm a basketball

>>art hoe dilettantes spread COVID-19 to the Catskills by going to their second home

Ive seen it happen in other peoples lives and now it happens in mine


she's so fucking ugly

lmao true she has a mole on her gypsy chin

You don't need reach to talk to Steve Bannon anymore. That fat idiot Carl Benjamin talked to him

Anna is so hot I want her to step on me and call me pathetic.

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God I wish I were an art hoe dilettante

That was a disappointing interview. Bannon is just another civnat ziocuck. Why is he even considered a political 'outsider'?

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Made for Israeli cock

what a whore.

>the Smiths
What an absolute basic bitch

Seething that Benjamin gets on the corporate shitlist while the breadtube leftshitcuck revolutionaries are featured in YT Creators videos?

I think both are probably okay people, both are politically okay, and both are fuckable.
Ashton is quite a bit more fuckable tho. If you like crazy.

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the left one is a man right?

No, I don't care about any of the irrelevant retards you're babbling about

Also I think their patron says they make 25k a month, so

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This is what all 100,000 years of human history have led to, this is our peak, after this, it's all downhill

And that's a good thing

No, just Jewish


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I tried listening to them but Jesus Christ they just drone on in this monotone sarcastic voice with their in-jokes. I really wanted to kill myself after 15 minutes.

Wow are those three siblings? Those 2 female women sisters who have vaginas are cute

God, I fucking hate weebshits.

what is this thread about, who are these ppl

>vocal fry
If you listen to their podcast KILL YOURSELF

Sure you don't.

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