Bruce Wayne becomes Bruce Wayans

Bruce Wayne becomes Bruce Wayans

What changes?

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It flops.

Instead of beating up criminals, he helps them

He's poor.

His father would be never there for him to get upset about for being shot. Simply wouldent work.

He becomes funnier

How about a Batwing movie instead? For those of you who don't know, it's Lucius Fox's son with high tech Batsuit.

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Ticket sales among white teenage girls go through the roof because white girls love the movie White Chicks


detective gordon locks him up

>rims and hydraulics on the batmobile
>white catwoman
>batman chest emblem is now a chain
>puts on lotion before suiting up
>idris elba

We almost had a Batman movie where Robin was played by Marlon Wayans

Let that sink in

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Let me tell you how I know you're American.

how come marlon wayans fucked his career up? he was in requiem for a dream but then nothing else but his brothers' shit movies. they probably forced him to stay with them.

I be Batman n shieet

Yup. And it was after we got a black Harvey Dent. Nobody said anything back then because people used to get laid.

Eyoooooo nigga we ouchere finna do crime an sheeiit hahAAAA

Hey Batman did you know that 13% of the population commits 50+% of murder?

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Bruce Wayne is asian now, get with the times.

it won't work out well

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Let me tell you how I know you didn’t read the punchline

He breaks into a secret military base where he steals a prototype vehicle used for combat, takes it to a chop shop and has it painted black and adds rims plus a stereo sound system

Helps the criminal underworld of Gotham to take over

He fucks obese white women instead of skinny trannies

a bunch of anti-sjw on youtube will grift by making a video crying about how its white genocide that batman is black.

Checked and societypilled.

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He is eventually caught stealing from victims of crimes and during the police investigation he is connected to several unsolved rapes

>he has the bat mobile on rims
>designer bat suit with a Gucci logo on it
>his belt is made by Louis Vuitton

Lucius replaced Alfred.
Luke will take over Yas Forums Batman in the 5G reboot.

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Yeah I wonder why the internet hardly reacted at all to that


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>Batman based in Detroit
>Instead his dad getting shot he just leaves him. His mom is the one who gets shot in a random mugging coming home after working her third shift as a nurse to raise B-ruse Wayan.

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Is this real?

No Bendis. It aint happening, kike.

can't go into a store without robin

It would have worked. But only if burton was still directing.

He immediately gets arrested by Gordon.

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