If I pull those pants off, will you die?

If I pull those pants off, will you die?

Attached: banetta.png (589x1271, 812.49K)

all women are whores


Not all women, just the ones you see on camera and in photos. There are plenty of good women, mothers, sisters, and partners out there. Stop treating all women as one collective organism. Dumbass.

Where do I find them? I will look after them and give them sweet kisses.

>There are plenty of good women, mothers, sisters, and partners out there
no there aren't, you and your mom are whores


i'm so unbelievably horny ahhh

Then how come not one of them has fucked you


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>cant get pussy
>their fault not mine

Entitled incels are a cancer on society.

all men are incels

Because I'm gay, retard. What's your excuse?

Dad always told me never to fuck whores.

have sex

for you

all women are sneeds

It would be extremely stinky

Yes, I also have seen Au Revoir Les Enfants.

Too skinny. Fembane would be a big girl.

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but he fucked your mom

Based. Beat me to it.

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>Natasha and Linda in one photo

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nope, just the ones you want to have sex with

im not

i helped write that and i'll never forget it

And even more important, do not marry them. "La donna e mobile"

Give me a Natasha, please.

And that’s a good thing!

Stop treating women as a means to an end. They are more than sexual partners. You're not even suppose to have sex before marriage. The point of having sex is to be a pay off for years of finding the right mate, especially since most of you are too unfortunate to arrange marriage.

Who's this?


Whore you

Marry me pls :3








Lotta loyalty for a hired gun

reddit cosplay thot

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>If I pull those pants off, will you die?
If I pull those pants off, will you BRAAAP?
You had one job!

you wouldnt want that