How do we stop nepotism destroying film industry?

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Hey! She passed those 22 auditions on her own merits!

Nepotism has destroyed alot more than just film. A large chunk of athletes related to former pro's can afford to train and eat better than those less fortunate so they almost always succeed. Check how many kids of former athletes make the big leagues and compare that to just a decade ago. It's one way to keep things under control & closed off from the general population

seriously though, muh nuclear codes

I'm good with this kind of nepotism kill all the ugly jews in hollywood instead

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she's so damn cute
she's one of my new favorite girls

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it makes sense. They got more than enough to not worry about rent. All they have to do is go to auditions and practices acting while being sheltered and pampered.

Yikes, I wonder how much she's being passed around by the (((producers)))

that entire family made their fortune off of nepotism

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>Milla: the next generation
If she's half as hot as her mom she can use all the nepotism she wants.

>not worry about rent
or insurance
or transportation
or food
or health
the game was honked from the start

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Too old.

she's already hotter

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This, I'll allow the nepotism in this case but she better keep up the positive personality, sweetie.

If her dad isn't jon cryer than that is one unfortunate looking girl.

they look kinda dirty, like they haven't taken a bath in weeks

still cute

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baste cunny pill

>sucked 22 jew dicks and only got 2 jobs

Seems kinda lewd and wrong to pimp out your daughter.

>Her mother's exact clone
Hey, I'm not complaining, I don't mind seeing more of her in movies :)

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nah it's okay it's oldschool hollywood pedoing it's practically harmless

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Yeah, it's not just nepotism, a lot of improv comedians that worship UCB for example are just rich kids who have no real interests or goals, so they desperately cling to it, turning it into a personality. No normal person has the time for shitty improv lessons and 3-hour long performances that nobody attends. Ellie Kemper and Nick Kroll for example are literal billionaire heirs.

>child """"""model"""""" since she was 12
Milla understands.

I really wish I were a wealthy influential producer

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Milla IS Ukrainian, after all.

Sanpaku eyes

nepotism works. its much better than the alternative. i'd use it any day.

But... weren't those former pros already freaks of nature, winners of the genetic lottery, so that its likely their kids have at least some of that inherent potential?

Honestly acting is really easy so nepotism doesn't ruin anything. There's no truly "great" actors because the skill ceiling is low enough that anyone can reach it with practice.

I have sanpaku eyes, they aren't rare

I think cunnyposting is back on the menu boys

change your last name to something that ends in stein or bergh
lol never noticed that she's in for an interesting life

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I haven't seen the cunny poster in a while. Did someone hunt him down? I miss that crazy bastard.

I hope she takes over her mom's role and stars in another resident evil trashkino

>Bunheads image
Uhhhh, hello, based department?

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>that use of numerology
it never changes with these fucking heebs, still communicating and selling their children for more shekels

>REboot with Ever to start new
or better yet
>Old Milla passes on the resident evil job to her younger clone and we keep the same mess of a plot

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