What opinion has / TV / About this pothead
What opinion has / TV / About this pothead
his voice is what really angers me
I cant think of a single other hollywood person who has changed so little in the last 15 years
Terminally Unfunny
Funny and lovable, I'd watch most anything that he stars in over a modern blockbuster.
Everytime I see a movie written by weed man I can't help but think about him laughing about cringy shit he came up with thinking it was funny during the writing process
He has the same hobby as me so I like that.
Too bad he makes DUDE ashtrays
I think he can write better then he does, if he tried to make a serious movie he could pull it off.
Problem is what's the point when you can have fun and make b-movie tear comedy where you can act like a fool all day as long as it comes out average.
Fuck off spic
dirty jew
His development stopped at about 17, but his mysterious connections (I wonder where he got those?) keep him funded despite his lackluster record.
Funny how he never has spoken out against Franco for his MeToo shit yet still finds time to virtue signal against others.
>(((mysterious connections)))
I like it back in high school, pineapple express come out when I was staring to smoke and was hilarious to me, but now
fuck that kike and fuck Jews like him
The jewiest jew that ever jewed
Yas Forums contrarians and anti semites hate him for no gold reason, I think he's ok and has made some decent films.
You say lackluster record as though his films haven't been successful
>You say lackluster record as though his films haven't been successful
The Minions movie out grossed his most successful movie.
I used to listen to the commentary tracks for 40 Year Old Virgin and Superbad all the time, they're hilarious and make him seem really likable. He feels like a stoner buddy from high school who found unprecedented success, which is endearing. Movies are pretty terrible though
A lot of people don't know this but Rogen is actually an agent for the Israeli Mossad. Google it if you don't believe me, there's a lot of evidence. Look how much he travels there.
>Look how much he travels there.
It's not suspicious for a jew to go to Israel
>DUDE the little cartoon hot dogs are smoking WEED DUDE that’s fucking HILARIOUS bro
There are many Jews with double nationality, American and Israeli
uhuhuhuhuhuh weed dude lmao
What's his most successful movie? Monsters vs aliens?
Holy shit you're not even a newfag here, you're a newfag at life of your opinion of Seth Rogen requires muhnazis.
It's the 21st highest grossing film ever made.
There are certainly legitimate reasons not to like him, but on Yas Forums (as you can see ITT) the only criticisms are "dude weed" and "hurr durr he's jewish."
peaked with pineapple express
washed up now
He thinks the holohoax is real
Those are both good reasons to hate him