
Scott Bakula edition

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You remember that one episode where Tom Paris and Captain Janeway broke warp 10 and de-evolved into amphibians and then they had sex and Janeway got pregnant and gave birth to lizard babies?

But then the crew wanted to evolve them back, so they did. But instead of also evolving the offspring, who would have the same DNA as the adult parents, they just left them on the planet to die?

Great episode

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Awful. Just awful.

ITT Characters that are literally you

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why do Bajoran and Cardassian women love Miles so much?

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the guy who plays RTS with Data but without the smartness.


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he's the only one that works on the station

kek it was a good times


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i dunno man, those dabo girls get turned out

he looks like a fun character. what ever happened to him?

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remember that baby that dukat thought was his, it was really garak's

fuck those faggots and their gay game

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wtf was his major mal?

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it's dnd in trek, I like it

Move along home to reddit, newfag.

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We had that thread and it was enough. I can't relate to D&D talk.

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I wasn't there for it, and I won't say anymore about it, just mentioned it's what it is.

>lurking /trek/ 24/7
How many times have you attempted suicide?

I found another picture of VF

Was Voyager the funniest Star Trek?

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Just don't start it again. It excludes anons who don't play D&D.


Humor was never trek's strong suit.

Animated but close

Sam Beckett somehow leaps into Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway and Archer. What would he put right that once went wrong with each of them?


That episode still boggles my mind.

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Amid the wasted cast elements, Voyager had a handful of very strong characters that could play off each other in ways well suited for comedy.
>The Doctor

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my first thought when i saw the op pic too.

post the webm

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>have all these beautiful women after you that would gladly let you repeatedly impregnate them
>instead stuck with a miserable shrill harpie who can only give you one child because of her poison womb
being Miles O'Brien is suffering

EMH and data are the funniest chars in trek

Get on my level

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>it's a "Miles O'Brien ends up in prison for starting a fight with a Klingon over labor rights" episode
sick of this meme

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>1 hour 15 min, pass

>Of Kino. Purer than Bolivian flake

>Hey guise
>ima make a /trek/ Edition with some shitty family guy image
>it'll be so lulzy

he had two but not with sushi

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is this the stupidest trek episode of all time?

He had one with keiko but the other was technically with Kira

At least he made the effort.

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I think the entirety of STP would qualify for that honor.

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that's gay man

The Voyager-era uniforms are still my favourite

What else would you try for maximum triggering?

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>members of starfleet wear their uniform all day (even for most non-holodeck leisure activities) and then also sleep in them
imagine the smell

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anyone got the drum and bass with Dukat?