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>it's a i have to deal with scully's bs episode
Jacob Bailey
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Mason Clark
but mulder, extraterrestrials have never been proven to exist
Hudson Moore
>"Scully it's a monster"
>"Monsters aren't real"
>It ends up being a monster
>Repeat next episode
What the fuck was wrong with her seriously.
Jason Murphy
>At least my feet can reach the pedals.
Matthew Edwards
Incest bad!
Nicholas Foster
>"mulder theres no such things as 'x'"
>'x' shows up
>"scully- you conveniently go somewhere else while i go see the 'x' with my own eyes"
Ian Walker
You know I was really hyped for this episode when I watched it for the 1st time recently because of all the talk and controversy about it, and it ended up being like just pretty good, 7/10 or so. I guess I got to remember it was mid-90's TV and not current TV, but I guess I was expecting more violence than just local sheriff and wife get beat to death off screen while classic music is played in background. High light of the episode no doubt, and they did a good job with the horror atmosphere the whole episode, but was expecting more I guess.
Adam Stewart
>It's a Scully goes through a boring solo emotional journey only to act like a cunt to Mulder at the end episode.
Kayden Kelly
>tfw you will never have an armless legless fuck toy on a skateboard under your bed
Aiden Cook
I always feel like there is barely any lead up to these either. No showing Scully maybe having growing frustrations or something. It's just all of a sudden here is an episode where she is being a bitch to Mulder and apparently we are supposed to sympathize with her and she is in the right. The closest episode that maybe had some lead up was the Loch Ness-like/alligator eating people episode, and that lead up was more in episode. The tattoo episode maybe works better for this with her finding out she had cancer the episode prior, but apparently tattoo episode was supposed to go 1st so she was just being a bitch out of nowhere to be a bitch and not because she found out she had cancer.
Jace Ramirez
The whole thing with the three deformed brother's keeping their armless and legless mother tied to a board under their bed that they all have sex with and feed with pre-chewed food is a bit disturbing.
John Ramirez
>scully is in the hospital
>scully is being religious
These are the worst episodes.
Luis Reyes
This is what I first thought of when I read that.
Alexander Rogers
That was the worst part, too. Mulder never comes off as a dick in a way that isn't resolved in the same episode. Scully's resentment never builds realistically.
It never comes off as valid. It's just a "Well, Mulder's at the centre of this alien story, we need to try to make Scully interesting". Instead it only ever feels like it damages her character.
Christian Jackson
Map of IRL X Files.
William Lopez
What makes no sense to me is having Scully being a Catholic. Makes her non believing character even more stupid and hypocritical. It’s called Faith for a reason. Believing what you cannot always see or prove
Camden Powell
I always assumed the point was that scully was traditional and did what society expected. Believing in god is an expectation, so she did it, disbelieving in aliens is also an expectation, so she did that too.
Aiden Reyes
That would mean she is a fake Catholic who truly does not believe in God like she says she does.
There is no way she can zero faith in the paranormal yet believe what is in The Bible.
Joseph Gomez
Why is watching early X-File seasons so comfy on a cloudy Sunday evening here in Michigan?
Cameron Harris
Tbh user I don't think you have a very good understanding of people and how they typically operate, even smart ones.
Ryder Clark
I'm watching season 4 right now, the episode where Mulder gets injected with black goo gets followed by an episode where he has a vision of a casee where a serial killer left some bodies and how he might have killed Samantha.
Is the implication that the black goo gives him these visions?
And the episode where the jew doctor gives him ketamine and shocks him and he has a trance like vision of the CSM and Mulder's father, was that also due to the black goo messing with his judgement?
I like the show but I feel like I'm being strung along knowing that the mytharc doesn't really conclude and is messy and made up along the way.
Still good though.
Jordan Hill
That stupid episode with the little kid who gets the stigmata that they think might start armageddon or whatever is up there as possibly the worst episode of the 1st 4 seasons for me. Up there with the one where Mulder tried to say he was the reincarnation of some Civil War dude and also a Jewish lady.
Carson Fisher
What the hell Alaska.
Asher Hernandez
>grew up in hawaii with all sorts of supernatural/ghost stories
>cool, lets see what's on the x files map
>pic related
Juan Diaz
I'm actually at the same part as you. Just finished Demons last night and about to watch the season finale. I've actually enjoyed the myth episodes up to this point, for the most part at least, the one exception mostly being that Tunguska two parter, but yea it does get annoying when they just keep bringing more questions than answers and it almost feels like they never actually accomplish anything ever. They find something important and then like 2secs later before they can do anything with it, here comes bad govt or aliens to take it or destroy it. I know that can give their enemies some more standing as what they are dealing with is all over the place, all knowing, and powerful, but it also gets annoying when you have like the 5th or 6th episode of a season where Mulder or Scully gets some item of proof and it's just totally gone in the next few mins.
It is, but I guess her going along with it and almost leading it made it less disturbing to me. If she were forced down there and held against her will, yea way more horrifying.
Colton Rogers
Well the it does say it's a map of unsolved mysteries not really a map of supernatural or ghost sightings. But here is a map of UFO sightings in America.
Mason Thompson
She's a woman. As long as the consensus of society is that monsters don't exist, that's the only truth she knows. That's what it's like to be a hylic.
Cooper Robinson
>Is the implication that the black goo gives him these visions?
Also on this, I think it was more the serial killer had discovered some way to get into his head/dreams literally. Mulder said this at one point, and it makes more sense that way, but it is left more ambiguous I guess.
Matthew Anderson
>And the episode where the jew doctor gives him ketamine and shocks him and he has a trance like vision of the CSM and Mulder's father, was that also due to the black goo messing with his judgement?
God damn, I should read all the way thru before responding. I think this was the ketamine lol. The 2 people prior who underwent the same shit shot themselves.
That black goo shit in that episode hasn't been brought back up since I believe, which is quite disappointing.
Evan Bennett
The myth arcs are really strong but the arc itself is weak.
Mulder and Scully should have been killed nearly 50 times already! I like the urgency of the mytharc episodes and how everyone in them dies.
The plane episodes in series 4 were very good.
Somewhere there could have been a kino miniseries or film that ends with Mulder and Scully dead with definitive conclusions.
I do like the idea that the CSM is just playing with them and trying to get caught whilst also expanding on his plans with the other guys.
That's what the episode says but the goo story is left ambiguous what the goo actually does other than repeated exposure in that prison camp kills the person and the other form of the goo in the rock kills the person.
Maybe it's just a consequence of watching serially and not as a weekly MOTW show.
The goo should have had some lasting impact on Mulder or be expanded on. (maybe it will)
Brayden Ward
Yes the goo was handled bad. Just seems like it does whatever plot needs.