Where do I start with this giga-based motherfucker? Never seen one of his movies.
Where do I start with this giga-based motherfucker? Never seen one of his movies
im not one that follows him religiously, but i remember he was the villain in jack reacher. good movie, id recommend that one. i know he has a decent career, i just dont keep up with him
Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans
Fitzcarraldo was his Opus Magnum
Everything he touches tends to be kino.
Whatever the one on Antarctica is good, just interesting and not that heavy.
Act of Killing is probably the darkest one, very stark look at people who committed genocide and their thought processes around it, very well done but very depressing.
Grizzly Man is almost kind of between the two. Story focused on an unusual lifestyle that turns into character study and tragedy.
Any would be good entry points imo. Start with whatever movie is on the topic that interests you most honestly. Those are my favorites of his though, Act of Killing being the one that really effected me the most.
start with stroszek and that movie with dwarfs. Seriously, it's the best to start with these two.
Grizzly man
I would say really any entry point works. Even his failures are interesting.
It might be a good idea to start with his documentaries. Just so that when you're watching his narrative features, you have a little more understanding of the way his mind works and thus they'll be a bit more accessible.
In that regard, perhaps watching Little Dieter Needs to Fly and then Rescue Dawn would be a good start.
But again, you really can't go wrong anywhere.
I began with Grizzly Man and had a great old time. Then I moved onto Happy People: A Year in the Taiga and found it interesting but didn't appeal to my personal interests as much, so my impression wasn't so strong. Gaspar Hauser I haven't managed to finish, though.
Act of Killing isn’t Herzog
shit, you're right, he was just a producer on it. Still a great movie.
Ricky Spanish episode of American Dad
is this the guy with the depressing penguin movie?
Just see the films that he made with Kinski and Strozyek and then drop him like a hot potato. The rest of his filmography is shit especially his docos.
hey OP star like me
-rescue dawn
them Aguirre and fritzcarlardo, nosferatu, cobra Verde, my best friend, grizzly man and heart of glass and pic related
what movie with dwarfs?
Liked antarctic one and Into the Inferno, tried the cave one but it was too boring, guess I was plebfiltered.
Absolutely based. How did American Dad get him?
Kaspar Hauser is pure kino
Also this is probably my most favorite shot of all time. Says a lot about us and society lmao
He was in fucking Mandalorian. Dude isn't the pickiest motherfucker around.
Act of Killing is masterpiece, but Herzog had nothing to do with it. I think the guy who made it was just a fan of his and after completing it he showed it to him and Herzog helped him with distribution by slapping his name as an EP, he had nothing to do with the actual proccess of making it
>this giga-based motherfucker?
>Never seen one of his movies.
I truly hate r*ddit
closest a film has come to truly capturing the madness of New Orleans. Sometimes it takes an outsiders perspective. A local filmmaker would just kiss ass.
I saw The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser few years ago and i didn't really like it. Are his other movies similiar to it or better?
What was his fucking problem?
He has a deep resume with both outstanding fictional works and documentaries. Make sure you see Aguirre, Fitzcarraldo, Stroszek as well as Grizzly Man, Lessons of Darkness and Land of Silence and Darkness
This, on his own words, he just does acting because it brings him joy.