any good forklift operator films?
Any good forklift operator films?
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Only one I know is the tragic story of that 17 yr old kid that the forklift fell on and his gf slowly falling out of love with him
Is forklift operator a full time job? I thought it was just a sub-task warehouse workers had.
god i hate people who make wings in oven
The Forklift Operator (1992) was decent
Reminder what happens when you’re uperating a forklift unprepared.
damn this ones good
Why is she so focused on the wings?
for me, it's 'The Boys Think They Can Operate A Forklift Better Than Foxy Grandpa, But He Out Forklifts Them'
Looks like he didn't have the high ground
was he the operator or just in the way?
Im buying this shirt
It depends on the size of the place you are working at. I am in a management position and I have certification on a forklift but never had to step in and drive one
>wings in the oven
Fucking nasty
They underestimated his power.
For me? It's an LPG Doosan
He didnt fly so good
Are those forklift shirts real? And if so: Why?
My job has full time forklift drivers. They just sit there most of the day.
Employee of the Month is the only movie I can even think of where forklift usage makes a difference in the plot.
I operated a forklift for a while. It's really not a big deal. You take a competency test and get certified. That's literally all you need to be a forklift "operator". Warehouse work is easy as fuck.
Fugitive Alien.
People wear clothes.
I'd unironically drag myself to the top of the nearest building and throw myself off. Imagine your entire existence is to be a burden to other people.
"gabelstapler klaus", it's on youtube.
There are a million forklift operator films
what would actually take courage is making a film about September Guys™
I use an old stand up forklift at work. Pain in the ass to drive
anyone have the "allergic to stupid people" tee?
For me, it's October Guys.
Don’t have to.
the birth month shirts are absolutely hilarious, i ened to save them all. i remember one was like "a good friend who will help you bury a body and wont say a word"
>vapid nationalism
>clear obesity
>can't shut the fuck up about food
It's only missing some negro kid to be the most american picture ever
How can someone survive like that? Does he have to piss and shit from a hole in his abdomen or something?
I love how she mentions the wings so many times
Does your communist shithole have a flag on the moon?
Yeah, didn't think so
I’m an October guy and this is so true
April guys are the real kinos
Wow september guys have some kind of mood disorder
imagine standing behind this guy in a queue at least you have some reading material
is this suppose to sound queer?
She mentions wings twice incels move on
Forklift operation is a ubiquitous blue-collar job with long hours. Operators are present in factories, warehouses etc and because most of the people there are unskilled labour, the forklift ticket artificially elevates them above those people. Forklift operators often make the same amount as unskilled labour anyway because they’re trained in-house and the training isn’t transferrable.
I operated a forklift briefly for a roofing company. It’s not difficult but you have to start extremely slow or else you will throw it off balance, knock something over, etc...
Forklifts are pretty fun tools to use. They feel quick and agile and zero-point turns are always weird after you’re been operating an automobile.
I'm a september guy too where can I buy this?
>Are those forklift shirts real? And if so: Why?
I think they're parodying those over the top "I'm a veteran snowflake" shirts but people probably wear those unironically as seen here
any tees for us June chads??
Aprilian Chad here and this is very true
as a november guy i can confirm
Any december guy tees?
Mmmm wouldn't wanna mess with him!
holy shit that'd make a great tattoo
or like across the tailgate of a truck
Wait you need training for forklift?
I've been doing it for 2 years and only training I had was showing me which button does what.
I worked as a forklift operator in a warehouse. Fulltime work at $18/hr no college needed with health and 401k matching. Easiest job ever. You're just moving boxes and pallates from a to b.
Everyone on here is making fun of these people, but I'd bet most of you don't make that.
So I looked upmy birth month and there's no way to make "may guy" sound masculine or edgy.
It's all over for us May bros...
You mean that guy who survived being cut in half from the bellybutton down and now shits in two seperate bags?
Not everyone works at just typical retail warehouses user, there's warehouses for like pipes or huge cars parts, etc. You need to learn a license to drive it, the thing is not a joke(just look at the kid below) and it's a pretty shit risk/reward gig, if you fuck up you can destroy hundreds of thousands of dollars worth.
>*teleports behind you*
heh, nothing personal rest of the year shits
just look up December Guy, but that month isn't very cool desu glad I'm a June guy
>tfw May guy
Which month breeds the weak men who aren't dangerous when provoked?
holy crap how can they possibly be this accurate