Are we getting a Ginger Snaps sticky for the 20th anniversary? It's literally the movie that saved Yas Forums

Are we getting a Ginger Snaps sticky for the 20th anniversary? It's literally the movie that saved Yas Forums

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where can i find sex scenes for them?

thanks you just guaranteed that ill never watch this

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First one is on jewtube, torrent 2 for the group masturbation scene
Here, user.

>another ginger snaps thread

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I know, hella based and hella checked.

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i saw the medieval prequel one on tv a couple years back and it was shit

it effects the guy and he tries to rape the girl in 2 but whatever Yas Forumscel

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I like the movie and was just being cheeky, what the fuck does Yas Forums have to do with anything loser?

Is it you werewolf general bro? There was a thread yesterday complaining about waifufags hijacking GS threads and I completely agreed with that dude.

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Nothing you can do about it now tho. The waifufags drove away werechads, normalfags and old gsfags as evident by that thread so waifufags are the only regulars you have left

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dont think thats me but i do sometimes write short stories for the trashbros
these threads always get hijacked by circle jerkers, its very tiresome but there arn't many werekinos to talk about.

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>Nothing you can do about it now tho
What's the solution, though? I just want my comfy late 90s aesthetic threads back for fuck's sake.
I see. You're still based, user.

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One of my favorite movies, 2 is fine, but holy fuck, 3 is one of the worst movies ive ever seen

based 90s gothfu poster

is this actually good or is it just waifuism?

3 is trash. There have been anons in these threads who saw 3 first and then never bothered with the other ones because of how bad it was. Apparently the story goes that 2 went so massively under-budget that they decided to use the leftover money for a third one. So that's why it's so hacky and last minute.
First one is legitimately great. Second one is a bit iffy, but still really good. Third one is absolute garbage and only loved by waifufags who think the girls look cute in period outfits.

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> comfy late 90s aesthetic
then let's get back to that

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Totally. Also Cureposting, which isn't necessarily 90s.

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The thing about these threads that puts people off is that they look ostensibly waifufag like Alita or EMG even if you dont intend it, OP

I get that. The two main characters are girls so 90% of the image posts are gonna feature at least one of them, but it was never a problem in the older threads since the images were an addition to actual content.

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I watched this for the first time yesterday. I thought it was a decent film overall but I couldn't get over the fact that they are supposedly 15 and 16 in the film. They looked so much older, at least make them 18.

Something I did really like was the atmosphere. Late 90's/early 2000 horror/teen films had this particular atmosphere that you can't emulate that just reminds me of angelfire, vampirefreaks, deviantart etc.

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>They looked so much older, at least make them 18.
Look up the disney movie they starred in. They play sisters in that as well. Perkins was in her 30s playing a 16 year old there lel. Also I don't think 18 would have worked for the high school setting or late puberty.

>Something I did really like was the atmosphere
Exactly, you get it. That orange kind of lighting, the attire, everything in the movie just oozes late 90s, I don't even know how to describe it properly, but you definitely feel "it".

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its over user
if you wanna keep this going just stop the threads for a couple of weeks or months and do a reboot

Y’all are creepier.than the Dark Crystal folks.

I thought Ginger Snaps was a soft core porn movie on Cinemax

I fucking hate you Ginger Snaps fags.

Definitely. I'm happy for birdbros since at least they're probably getting another season, we're probably never getting any new footage ever again. Unless it's a reunion panel or something.

I'd watch it.

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i thought they looked age appropriate on first watch. in fact i still do, though maybe Katharine Isabelle looks a bit older.
also in GS2 i legitimately thought the girl who plays Ghost was like 14 at most. couldn't believe she was 18 at the time

If only Ginger Snaps had some more national socialism in it! Immarite, Yas Forumsirgins? XD shoop da woop and do a barrel roll!