Yeah, im thinkin hes Based
Yeah, im thinkin hes Based
>windows 10
I'd fuck him because of his personality, no homo
>age of sigmar
Absolute cringe, Henry.
Chadstodes u mong
Absolutely pathetic, you're no better than your attention starved roastie counterparts.
He's literally the chad meme
i wonder who took the picture
hes also into baking
Literally the chadest Army in existence. Because he is Chad.
Meanwhile I am painting a bunch of GSC neophytes that look exactly like Coomer wojack.
40k is Age of Sigmar for redditors lol
It's 40k tard. He did mention lore. AoS has no lore worthy of noting.
>please slap my face with your bread
What did they mean by this?
I fucking hate these roasties on every one of his posts, he's fucking ours, you whores.
Freya is struggling with a piano and Henry is painting small figures.
>complete chad
>fucks 10/10 hollywood sluts
>enjoys video games
>and thinking man hobbies like painting and tabletop games
holy shit that guy is everything every white man wants to be.
>unpictured/off-right: me out on the pavement with my look-o-scope and sniff-o-scope trained directly on the buttocks of the girl there
Maybe the whole "le PC, I play Warhammer Total War" shit wasn't just total PR after all
This but unironically
>or plastic crack as "we" call it
based, I'm going to call it that from now on
>Henry Cavill is your sperg Chad parasocial bff!
Too good to be true
I never understood how you get this high-contrast highlighted edges/dark crevices look. My models always looked so flat in comparison, that's why I stopped.
>the hero Yas Forums needs but doesnt deserve
ywn have cavill as your bro
it's public property so she can't tell you to leave
edge highlighting
or drybrushing if ur lazy
Painted figurines. Played delta force. Takes care of himself. Pretty based.
>pastic crack
holy fuck
>He cooks too
No you dumb slag, he's baking. Women are fucking useless nowadays.
>Omg celebrity bakes bread and paints toys just like me!
>genuinely can't get enough of the lore they've built over the decades
Literally based
>Please slap my face with your bread
to be fair if you posted about painting 40k with a question you would probably have more replies than this thread
who took the photo?
He'll be playing Ciaphas Cain in a movie or TV show.
>not origami like a chad
master of masters
fuck you jannie fuck you trannie
What was that website where you could build machines that kind of looked like this by drawing lines and dots