Cast it
Cast it
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What PS2 game is this from?
I have yet to find the real fucking image
Reminder that ᴹʸᶻᶦᵃᵐ was an aussie larp
That wasnt the photo
you will never see it
Is there anyone left on the chans who was even in that thread?
I was there that fateful day, and it was a trip.
Post the fucking image or at least describe it asshole
>still no grey alien horror kino
what the fuck is going on here
Real life greys just want to have psychic sex with humans and the (((blood drinking shape shifting lizard people))) won’t let them.
I didnt save it, but it was ugly as fuck.
It was the same feeling of standing in front of a dark basement when you looked at it.
It looks similar to alot of the fakes, but there was something about it that made your brain scream nope.
it made you sick to look at and then Yas Forums went down for a few hours
I didn't see the pic but I remember that night because when the site went down for like 4 hours there was a pic of that porn dude Marco Banderas naked at the top of the catalog here. Every time I'd check back I'd see his big stupid grin and big stupid cock. I'm gonna watch that vid where he bangs Madison Scott now that I think about it.
There's been quite a bit. There was a movie with Michael Ironside not that long ago which was about that
Truly Youtube kino
so someone posted a picture of an alien on /x/ I’m guessing and the site went down for a few hours and now no one can find it? is any of this even true?
The alien pic was fake. Yas Forums took it down because of some shit embedded in the photo
>madisson scott
based. Her creampies videos were always great
No, OP deleted the thread himself. And he did it (intentionally or not) during a server maintenance so all the newfags were like "YO GOVERNMENT TOOK DOWN Yas Forums THAT MORNING WHOOAAAA"
t. CIA
if you're gonna post a fake one at least do the one that's accurate
pic related
It was Yas Forums.
Post the real one at least.
Be honest bros would you?
Nope. She's a degenerate. Look at those disgusting nipple rings.