At this point i think there reaching

At this point i think there reaching.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>re:view without Mike

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they may as well merge the shows at this point

It's amazing how little information was in the cinemassacre video for freaked

James is only good for solo content, his Dracula video was kino.

Have you lads seen AVGN episode zero

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has actual kino potential

>there reaching
Where reaching?

I want to see what happens when you stick these two pricks together

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Every Rental Review is literally just
>this happened and then remember when this happened and then this happened

>only one YouTube channel can talk about a movie

Monthly views according to social blade. As of today April 12th 2020



Mike would see right through Jay being a hack and murder him

Witch one do you mean?

I unironically like beardfat on re:views.

mike would drone on and on not letting jay get a word in edgewise. when he does finally pause for air, jay would say something borderline intelligent

Recent Matei Kino

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>borderline intelligent

Alpha male does not let beta male speak.

You're omitting that cinemassacre churns out 2 or 3 times as much trash a month in comparison.

how often does each upload?

Fuck no. James is a memer and has almost zero insight in his reviews.

AVGN's review: They pretty much all just read the imbd trivia part before the camera comes on and all trip over themselves, interrupting one another - as if trying to be the first one to quote what they read to seem knowledgeable.

Meanwhile, re:view are actual movie buffs that care about the actors and history of the film cause they like it.

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This. James looks like he doesn't want to be there in every single review. He's there cause he has to be for brand recognition of his channel.

It's really not. Rental Reviews is good for background noise and that's it. Re:View is actually worth watching because the commentary is insightful, they don't talk over each other and they are actually professional about it.

the re:view is pretty much just reading the wikipedia page
Jay has zero clue.
>for some reason MTV just gave Alex Winter a show..
ignoring Bill and Ted came out before it yeah


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he should have just explained scenes from the movie with no background information or personal takes then he would be as good as Rental Reviews.

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Are you fucking regarded? He’s clearly making a joke about Alex Winters student films being weird and uncommercial. Some of you faggots try way too hard to bitch about RLM.

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Justin is worse than AIDSmoby, the fat fuck shouldn't ever be in front of the camera

RLM apologists fighting hard as usual lmao

lets face it, Jay is a spastic


Jesus, watching these 2 videos, they're like night and day. It really shows how lazy James and the Screenwave fatties are. It's not like re:view is a particularly difficult concept to pull off. It's amazing how much a modicum of effort can create such a contrast between the two videos.

she looks like shit

Our king

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absolute retard of a unit.

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This. He's good on it, he's got some good insight and comes across as a lot more natural than on BotW where he's trying too hard.

He knew to get out while he could

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Where's the fucking Picard review? I'm going insane checking their page every 5 minutes

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It’s not just effort though. The ScreenWave fatties are just terrible on camera. No charisma, no personality, and disgusting to look at.

this. redditlettermedia should only exist for Mike and Rich discussing and shitting on shows/film that ruin their head canon

Step aside

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They really know nothing of cinema. I'm surprised James actually studied film. At least his old movie reviews had charm in spite of that but this is just embarassing.

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i love shitting on cinemassacre

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Reminder, this is the first time James used actual film. Putting Mike Matei in a shit monster costume.

I also enjoy shitting on RLM, especially Jay, as the autists cannot help to defend him


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Freaked is live-action cartoon kino

Matei actually created what spawned AVGN fucking kek

Would be great in a triple feature with Kung Pow and Freddy Got Fingered.
Alternatively, a double feature with Tetsuo: The Iron Man would be kino as fuck too.

no no it was all jamesy. he made the character after one of his old bosses haha.

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Good one James

>I'm surprised James actually studied film

He knows the technical side of filmmaking but, yeah, he certainly doesn't understand "cinema". He doesn't have a bad taste in films, just very generic choices and a lot of genre films. I doubt James has ever watched anything like French New Wave or arthouse shit, except for maybe when he was forced to in college. Although, to be fair, Mike and Jay are pretty similar in that regard. Jay is into some more artsy stuff but really only if it's in the horror genre or something of that nature.

James not giving credit to Mike for creating the base concept and writing early the episodes. Doesn't give credit to the zombies for writing the episodes now.

Anyway more important.. WTF

AIDSmoby is based, redditor. Beardfat is the one that shouldn't ever be in front of the camera.

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has Mike done anymore 3 hour streams dressed as Joker and not breaking character?


pretty embarrassing how shit james was at smb3 in the recent video.