Haha this SNL monolog is so funny

Haha this SNL monolog is so funny.

Don't worry about the hair though he shaved it for... a movie.

Haha what movie could it be for?

Haha shouldn't it be easy to google this information?

Haha wouldn't you think he would wanna promote his movie on a main stage such as SNL?

HAha weird how they are pushing zoom.

Haha why do you guys think Hank's head is shaved haha?

Attached: Hanx.png (810x538, 755.39K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: AdoseA.png (349x237, 83.3K)

This is embarrassing

I'm feeling sleepy... How about you guys? Think I'll head to bed...

Genuinely curious, what do the QAnon people say about tom hanks & the coronavirus now that he has not been arrested as part of a global pedo sting operation?

Isn't he a pedophile? Broteam told me that so I believe it.

He's male, so yes.

Okay Brittany Venti

>Video unavailable
>The uploader has not made this video available in your country.

Attached: BRITTANY VENTI - NICE HAIR.png (1920x1080, 1.37M)

do you actually believe he's at home? Not in hiding?

The whole zoom infomercial we seem to be in is weird. Probably they wanted to divide old and young with the Boomer meme and didn't expect the zoomer thing. Most likely everything Corona is a coordinated effort to stop Trump with many smaller scale psy ops attached

News of the World (2020)

it's almost like the guy who he was playing was bald wow...

Attached: colonel-tom-parker-1909---1997-the-dutch-born-manager-of-entertainer-elvis-presely_photo-by-frank-edwards_fotos-international_getty-images-square[1].jpg (1200x1200, 232.47K)

i want this evil man dead

"I have been the celebrity canary in the coal mine for the corona virus"

He's singing.

Attached: Brittany Venti - heart broken?.png (1278x779, 1.06M)

Qoomers need to die

hang hanx

looks like he is standing in front of a green screen

You're stupid

Attached: 1585656869639.jpg (990x990, 113.17K)

You're stupid

no u

Terrible casting choice. Hanks doesn't look at all like Col. Tom Parker.

>"I am even using Q cards"

Why are there domiciles so small and ordinary looking (or is it just the camera angles)? Aren't they all millionaires? Also, Cecile was really fucking hot in that intro for some reason.

>fucks kids in your path

Also it looked like half of them were in California

>"...go easy on the carbs, and the COOKIES"

Attached: 1586318232734.jpg (1280x1280, 173.25K)

>"...proper way to a daily does of your vegemite?"
>"enough of that"

Attached: adrenochrome-250x250.jpg (250x250, 12.21K)

Convicts heads are shaved too.

The suit makes him look like a Fed...

I was about to watch this episode until I found out (((Hanx))) was the host. I can't fucking stand this dude.

>HAha weird how they are pushing zoom
It's Chinese spyware, no? Like Tiktok...

>casting is about lookalikes