>the debate that divided Yas Forums
The debate that divided Yas Forums
Behead those who don't pick Minion
da bob
Da Bob. Fuck zoomers
based Minion bro
gunna be da bob from me dog
Minion is technically funnier than Spongebob overall. Spengbab just coasts on its first three seasons and movie.
Why do people willingly choose this style
look at the fucking drip
Da Bob all day, bro
I hate minions to the point I wish they existed so I could kill and torture them. da bob it is.
>Behead those who don't pick Minion
The righteous pick Sponge(pbuh)
Heathens pick m*n**n
because they are fucking based you cringe normalfag?
you want to know how i know you've never kissed a girl?
Fat bodies who’s only personality is dude weed. Protip, the girl who occasionally hangs around isn’t your girl, she’s just there for the free food and drugs you simp for her. Oh, and be sure to get some good rest for your early shift at McDonald’s tomorrow, Karen and her angel Kayden and Tyrone Jr. need those nuggets to fuel their Fortnite marathon gaming session! If you complain about Karen coofing and sneezing on you then you’re fired!
Da sneed
he should just wear a wife beater and embrace his inner human trash
Seething bot.
This is a joke right? What the fuck kind of girl kisses a guy wearing jorts and a fucking Minions t-shirt lmao
>People like this still get more pussy than me
Yeah I'm killing myself
>he thinks whites with this style attract woman
Your mother, daughter and sister.
Why? Because I tell em to. Do you seriously think woman have any control over their lives? Have you graduated high school yet?
FPBP Minion Chads
>Behead those who don’t pick minion
Only j*ws pick minion
Thinking white men pick the da bob
>Only j*ws pick minion
>Thinking white men pick the da bob
Wearing cloths while home
>Because I tell em to.
Oh, so you're the pimp or some other weird bs that shows he didn't get a single woman on his own let alone due to minion shirts. Nice one, retard lmfao!
Bothering your friends white sister does not make you a ladies man Jose. Did you really think just because she’s polite that she drools at the thought of your 400 pound latino frame waddling around her nice white suburb? You’re not white, and you’re certainly not a black gangsta though you sort of attempt to be by dressing like this and listening to pop rap. Maybe you could have lived a better life as a bean farmer in Mexico if your parasitic parents didn’t illegally enter this country and leech off the welfare meant for the poor and needy, but it’s too late for that. Now you are doomed to live the rest of your life on this image board posting about how you “stole” a white girl when you settle down with some partially retarded hambeast who’s just as fat and smelly as you. I wish you the best in your failed life, but that can’t mean much for one such as you