Any upcoming documentary kinos?

Any upcoming documentary kinos?

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>that face when
>not that feel when

>That Face When No Girlfriend

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>tfw (that face when) it's "hijacked by lib-bashing trumpsters"
>not "created by lib-bashing trumpsters"

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They can’t even be honest in the first sentence about the origin of the design. I wonder if they’ll draw artistic parallels between wojak and rage face comics or the original advice animals. They’ll likely never grasp the concept that our solidarity is a function of us valuing anonymity and meritocracy in humor creation.

Fuck yes.
Make the faggots who take this shitty website too seriously angry.

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>that face when
I've been here since 2006 and this shit genuinely upsets me more than just making a movie about Yas Forums culture

>that face when
Are they even trying?

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How do we kill this site’s popularity in the mainstream? How do we make this site uncool for normalfags?

What are your thoughts on this?

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who had it before?

Memeing every shooting to be our fault could work

Is this really it? Are finally about to witness the death of wojakposting?

Someone needs to buy the site and intentionally make it so unusable only the most dedicated stay, then unfucking the website when traffic is around 5.000 at any given time

CIA and mymen did

literally what every man with normal genetics has by their mid-late 20s you autistic faggots. It's hilarious seeing zoomers seeing even a slightly receding hairline/slight widow's peak forming and instantly going HAHAHAHAH THEY'RE FUCKING GOING BALD!!!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?????
Cunt that'll be you in

>make it so unusable
hiro is way ahead of you

>Cunt that'll be you in

Oh I thought you were one of the underaged newfags I see who sees even the slightest receding hairline and instantly cries GOING BALD!
Your hairline is fine user, by 25-40 you'll have peak Vegeta aesthetic.

Wojak is much older than you election tourists.

He’s going to be Spacey bald by 40, you can already see how his hairline will progress.

How did she crack our code bros?

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Rangeban all phoneposters.

Most men will be that type of "bald" by 40, you're literally exactly what I'm referring to with dumb faggots not understanding genetics.

This is the one i'm most excited for

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first post green post

Ban all Americans. Ever since 2016 mutts has absolutely destroyed the site with their political autism. Only Americans will disagree.

>That Face When No Girlfriend

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What the fuck is that title? What does it mean?

whats this image from?

Add hiragana captchas. Instantly prevents any and all casual normalfags from ever posting again.

white people dont really go bald
but most people here are american so they have mixed genes

You're forgetting Dr. Pavelheer, Botton Lee, and Juan Avue

just kill the mods since they're the biggest sjw normalfags on the site

>becoming alpha by doing terrorist attacks
Cringe. She understood nothing. Nothing. Fucking women are so fucking retarded.