Some soon to be dead dudes talk about their favorite music.
ITT: Film ideas
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She looks better with long hair
Boy, his father, and granfather are reduced to the same age and must find a way to return to normal.
It’s crazy when she has long hair she gives me a boner, when she has short hair I turn 360 degrees and walk away
Galactic empire trying to quell the rebellion
Movie idea: 2 hours of Sophia Lillis being raped and bukkaked by homeless men
She looks like an ape with short hair. Hope she'd grow out her hair a bit more
That's great, actually.
>A young man flying a plane crashes on an island inhabited by little girls that never age.
Film idea: 3 hours of Sophia Lillis being forced to drink laxatives and having bad diarrhea. Shot from the perspective of the toilet
Faora kills everyone in the Arrowverse.
A misogynist wakes up as a woman. I know it's been done in the 80's, but it's time to make a smarter version of it.
No shitting on men or women, just exploring both sides of things.
Act I
>miso man in his daily job and miso ways
Act II
>plotpoint: he wakes up as a woman and must adjust everything; changes jobs, invents lies about where "he" is, claims he's a cousin, lives in the apartment for a while, etc. Falls in love with a woman, who isn't a lesbian
>tries to get closer to the woman, they become friends, but he/she wants more and it can't be because she's not a lesbian; after many conversations a lot of learning for both (she hates men because many acted like cunts to her, while he had no idea of what being a woman was like), they come to a mutual understanding, at which point he resumes being a man
Needs work but it has potential.
Me getting a ginger GF
this but have it being about him turning into a total whore and sucking every cock he can find
He'd soon realise you can't do that as a lady, even if you want to.
Kys pedo
This but instead it's me who gets the ginger gf (formerly (You)).
You totally can though, unless you're incredibly ugly
Wow, her freckles really stand out here. They're honestly a little much.
its about a guy that has a billion karma on reddit but cant even get one (You) on Yas Forums.
I was gonna post a film idea but now I wanna see this woman masturbate. Do you know where I might be able to find such footage, if it exists
Sophia Lillis sits on my face for 10 hours a day for a week.
Directed by Quentin Tarantino
I would give him a (You).
>tldr special forces go to find a lost group of soldiers, instead finds a giant and a pile of human bones and army gear
The consequence of it is pretty nasty.
>brown eyes but red hair
interesting, i am interested in this.
It would be a dark thriller
unironically dm adam sandler this
>shit through a screen door face
she's all yours, pal
Donkey Kong the movie
Sophia Lillis as Dixie Kong