ITT: Film ideas

Some soon to be dead dudes talk about their favorite music.

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She looks better with long hair

Boy, his father, and granfather are reduced to the same age and must find a way to return to normal.

It’s crazy when she has long hair she gives me a boner, when she has short hair I turn 360 degrees and walk away

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Galactic empire trying to quell the rebellion

Movie idea: 2 hours of Sophia Lillis being raped and bukkaked by homeless men


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She looks like an ape with short hair. Hope she'd grow out her hair a bit more

That's great, actually.

>A young man flying a plane crashes on an island inhabited by little girls that never age.

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Film idea: 3 hours of Sophia Lillis being forced to drink laxatives and having bad diarrhea. Shot from the perspective of the toilet

Faora kills everyone in the Arrowverse.

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A misogynist wakes up as a woman. I know it's been done in the 80's, but it's time to make a smarter version of it.

No shitting on men or women, just exploring both sides of things.

Act I
>miso man in his daily job and miso ways

Act II
>plotpoint: he wakes up as a woman and must adjust everything; changes jobs, invents lies about where "he" is, claims he's a cousin, lives in the apartment for a while, etc. Falls in love with a woman, who isn't a lesbian

>tries to get closer to the woman, they become friends, but he/she wants more and it can't be because she's not a lesbian; after many conversations a lot of learning for both (she hates men because many acted like cunts to her, while he had no idea of what being a woman was like), they come to a mutual understanding, at which point he resumes being a man

Needs work but it has potential.

Me getting a ginger GF

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this but have it being about him turning into a total whore and sucking every cock he can find

He'd soon realise you can't do that as a lady, even if you want to.

Kys pedo

This but instead it's me who gets the ginger gf (formerly (You)).


You totally can though, unless you're incredibly ugly


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Wow, her freckles really stand out here. They're honestly a little much.

its about a guy that has a billion karma on reddit but cant even get one (You) on Yas Forums.

I was gonna post a film idea but now I wanna see this woman masturbate. Do you know where I might be able to find such footage, if it exists

Sophia Lillis sits on my face for 10 hours a day for a week.

Directed by Quentin Tarantino

I would give him a (You).

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>tldr special forces go to find a lost group of soldiers, instead finds a giant and a pile of human bones and army gear

The consequence of it is pretty nasty.

>brown eyes but red hair
interesting, i am interested in this.

It would be a dark thriller

unironically dm adam sandler this

>shit through a screen door face
she's all yours, pal

Donkey Kong the movie
Sophia Lillis as Dixie Kong