this killed mel's comeback, you barely hear from him now
This killed mel's comeback, you barely hear from him now
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>seth rogen
You mean the creepy fat jew who wrote himself into situations where his creepy fat jew character was having sex with beautiful young women over and over? That guy?
Seth Rogan is a Jewish supremacist who denies the active globalist white genocide. Why would I take him seriously?
Yesterday my mom admitted to me that my Grandfather who was in her words “the nicest man I’ve ever known” was a staunch anti-Semite. She seemed ashamed by it but it made me feel great to be descended from him
>Ho-ho-Holocaust denier
Pretty funny, tbqh
Walton Goggins is in this movie too, it's gonna be based.
>Seth Rogen needs to ride Mel Gibson's coattails for any publicity attention
the absolute state.
and what happened to his potty-mouth-boy-scouts movie. Not exactly burning up the boxoffice.
>Seth Rogen
Mel is done for now. Seth is literally the voice of this generation.
wow. this is some serious shit. mel's career is completely finished now
>Seth is literally the voice of this generation.
I believe that's true.
Obama years made cucks of the entire Apatow crew
christcuck BTFO by weed lmao jew
if jesus were alive he'd send mel to hell desu
>a fat, jewish dude weeder
>the voice of this amerimutt generation
sounds about right
>ho-ho-holocaust denier
This supposed to be clever? The way those words sound don’t even match up.
"its over for mel" said for the 1000th time
What generation? Seth Rogen hasn't been relevant for over a decade. Mel Gibson on the other hand keeps coming back and has made great movies on every decade since the 1970's.
seth, you're a literal cuck
your ability to 'zing' anyone has been well and truly revoked
Mel Gibson always has been and always will be based.
Mel Gibson is worth roughly $425 million.
Seth Rogen is worth roughly $55 million.
I suspect the fat loser is jealous a Catholic is kicking his ass in value.
seth youre a fag
>sending people to hell
Seth please go
This is what they play in hell for all eternity