Felicity Jones > Daisy Ridley
Felicity Jones > Daisy Ridley
Wow she is hot
Well, I don't think anybody would deny it considering Daisy Ridley's maw
Imagine her taking a massive shit right on your face
how is her pit game?
Every female who ever appeared on camera > Daisy Ridley
God I wish I were her
>pic cuts off at the feet
and that's a good thing, eat foot fungus foot faggots
In other news, water is wet
stay buttblasted
While visually Felicity is more appealing, she looks cold and soulless and Daisy looks soulful and full of life. Therefore Daisy> Felicity
impressive standards you got there
If by "soulful" you mean she looks like a xenomorph then sure
Speak for yourself bucko
>>full of life
>>a twig
>cold and soulless
Absolute retard, your pic is the definition of soulless
you will never find a picture of felicity or daisy that could give me a boner
Daisy has shit colored eyes, she auto loses
Do you actually expect any disagreement?
is her forehead just keeps getting bigger?
english girl body
they are no pics of felicity or daisy that could give me a huge boner, find some if you can
i wouldnt mind being smothered by their armpits desu
Water is wet
You're a genius....
daisy > felicity
already there user. has anyone else contemplated her pissing in your mouth?
can you send some webm of Sharon stone ?
what do you call this camera angle?
is that movie any good?
chloe looks like THAT?
I want to put things in her mouth
Here we go
Jesus Christ whats wrong with her face
It's alright, serious sweaty-palm territory if you're affected by heights