Democrats, i'm Donald Trump

Democrats, i'm Donald Trump

Attached: Stance.jpg (1200x836, 127.91K)

my president

That plane was kino.

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very kino shots

Lol this dude is actually president lmao

Kinos about painting mishaps?

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the final form of the boomer

To make this thread film related here is my cast for AOC, rate it.

Attached: For.All.Mankind.S01E10.WEBRip.720p.mkv_snapshot_01.08.34_[2020.04.12_20.11.49].jpg (1280x640, 262.64K)

Was crashing this economy part of your plan?

I honestly can't tell what gender this person is. The stance and hips are feminine, but the torso and face look male. What am I looking at?

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you're blind

Most based president in 100 years

Why would you destroy your economy before running for reelection?

Hes unstoppable

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Asian Female bodyguard. It's 2020 sweetie.

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Can't lose the election if there's no election.

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This whole thing will be gone by April when the heat comes in.

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is this guy even a human being?

No he's the president

China virus is unfortunately resistant to heat.

where are they storing biden until the election

You say that like you've never struggled with an umbrella before.

>out of shape bodyguard
Affirmative action quota female.

No human could swish 3's like this.

Attached: trump_aid.webm (1280x710, 1.7M)

I don't think I have never left an umbrella opened outside my car and left

He is Donald Trump, America incarnate.


Not a single soul:

Random incel: i cAn't gEt lAiD So i rEsOrT To tRaNsPhObIa aNd hOmOpHoBiA To cOpE

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this guy is so weird

>I'm USA

you have to go back.

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lmbo (laughing my butt off) This picture is soooo funny.


He's not even struggling, wtf are you talking about.
He clearly is leaving it out on purpose. Doesn't want to get his suit wet, isn't his umbrella, doesn't want to waste time, he has people that will pick it up.
The only reason you could call him stupid for is that he's superstitious about an open umbrella indoors.

pick it up waaaagie