Boomers found this funny back then

Boomers found this funny back then.

Attached: 158094087845.webm (960x720, 2.96M)

it is mildly humorous


Fuck off OP, Buster is pure gold

Better than dude weed dude sex lmao that accounts for 90% of current comedy movies

those haymakers were funny
men are and always will be buffoons.

Fucking Mary Sue how the fuck can you kill a skeleton with a single punch?

>back then

It's still funny

i'm finding it funny now.

That was actually pretty funny

If Yas Forums existed back then you would call this sjw trash and scream about le women.

>Buster Keaton
Yes it's kino

I love skeletons

Attached: 158094087842.webm (960x720, 2.33M)

if you dont find slapstick funny youre a certified drag

Zoomers find wojak funny

This is great. Post more.

Buster was the fucking best, there's a reason both Jackie Chan and Cruise make their stunt team watch his movies before starting choreography.

I'm not sure I would, the woman is fat and seems to be more of a battleaxe or dragon. A woman exhibiting a man's strength or courage would've been considered humorously iconoclastic, back then. It wasn't a standard to be encouraged in women.

Attached: black widow.jpg (1200x752, 81.76K)


Attached: 15809408789.webm (600x450, 2.96M)

But it is funny. You just wanted to start a buster thread, be honest now.

Ok that's actually gold.

Goddamn it I love boomer humor

Buster Keaton was Jackie Chan before he was even born.


Boomers found this funny back then.

Attached: The Littlest Rebel 1935.webm (720x528, 1.83M)


This plays out like a Spider-Man Elsa video. I guess get ready for future generation to have boomer humor.

blows my mind to know that people were convinced stuff like this was real when they saw it

More like this

literally pissing and shitting my pants laughing I can't breathe send help

Attached: 1577145052618.jpg (210x243, 6.71K)

Of course it's not funny OP because it's fucking hilarious.

Attached: 1584654976608.jpg (640x480, 42K)

Fuck off Foxy Grandpa fags, not all comedy needs to revolve around dancing old men

>hangs his cane in the air
Yeah this is quality