Damn is reddit dare I say based?
Damn is reddit dare I say based?
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>showing the reality of the negro in any way, shape or form is racist
And the left collapses in on itself once again.
don't you mean woke?
woke in rightwingspeak is 'redpilled'
based cant be explained to lesser beings that dont intuitively get it
>right wing
this isnt even accurate though
Cringe but redpilled
>It is so patronizing
>I would feel so ashamed at that shit if I was black
>Right Wingers claim to hate black people and trans people
>Steal the word "based" from Lil B, steal red/blue pill terminology from Trans filmmakers
So pathetic. That's why the internet laughs at you.
how do you steal words? who the fuck made this post lmao
Pretty sure they do it with Japanese people as well
actually they just cry about how they cant use their own terms anymore because le racists
Does he mean wholesome bpt? There's a black people twitter and a wholesome twitter, it's just the two of them combined.
>if I was black
Every fucking time. Shut up, whitey.
Brainlet here, how do you even explain what 'based' means? I know what it is and how to use it, but how do you explain it?
Why does reddit love this word so much?
it's like "great and insightful" post
Based? Based on what?
you wouldnt download a word
Based? Based on what? How am I based?
What is it based on?
i like to imagine a large, brightly decorated cake, the underside of which you can't see but is teeming with maggots
on 4ch by contrast the maggots are out in the open and already ants and we are doing a sort of pheromone dance
It's a way to express agreement with what's being said, e.g.
-"Fuck the janitors!"
-"Dangerously based"
Other variations are possible, but they all have a positive connotation
Bro, you're coming off pretty acidic right now. Maybe you should check yourself before commenting on things you don't understand.
you can just feel the seethe in this post
Why did you avoid saying toxic
>look at this black person reading a book and not savagely murdering someone
The racism of low expectations is basically the same thing as keeping pet tigers around.
Based is just a autistic way to say "cool" or "nice".
Remember newfags exist everywhere and will always try to interject their reddit humor into everything.
>coal burner dies
>BASED xD le onions boy may mays
>woman is murdered by nigger boyfriend
You can clearly tell which one is an adult male and while one is a faggot who has never touched a woman's breast under a cotton shirt.
More like Mudshark
seethe is what people say when they have no argument. I know this because I do the same.
>we love blacks!!
>no we love blacks more than you do!!!!
>too far!!! you're the REAL racists!!!
>no WE love blacks!!!
>fuck my wife!!!!!!!!
Somewhat based.
mfw black people stole the word nigger from whites
cultural appropriation
>>Right Wingers claim to hate black people and trans people
Just like lefties claim to love Stalin, summary executions and starving millions of people to death. Or is there a difference between what is said about someone and what they say themselves?
very based
Why didn't you pass 5th grade science
>coming off pretty acidic
Nobody will appreciate your chemistry joke.
It's the opposite of debased. A nigger saw the word debased and thought he could just remove the prefix to make it mean the opposite.
reduced in quality or value.
"the debased traditions of sportsmanship"
See also the as yet unmade song "Baser", the antithesis of "Debaser"
It means cool in a "based" way where the person doesn't give a fuck. The literal meaning of based is someone who is "base", a person without the refinement of social courtesy and with the personality coming from a natural, guttural manliness.
Based = cool
Redpilled = woke
It’s depressing knowing that so many youngsters are on here now.
>not realizing the ape is always lurking under the surface
not based
oh a chemistry joke. The next post below yours explained it. clever dude. I'd upvote you on Reddit.
>no creating a twitter solely for me to post black people who are acceptable in my worldview isn't racist or dehumanizing!!!
Oh. My. God. I love that handle and I LOVE #cavetwitter! They are like the polar opposite of woke libtards and always post the most redpilled E S O T E R I C content. Surf the Kali Yuga!
Yeah I love wholesome black kweens
does anyone else remember when the Cosby show had the most wholesome black family in existence?
we know how that story ended.
Can americans explain their casual negro worship?
>Despite their claims, Leftists are the ACTUAL racists, which manifests through race-obsession and low expectations.
And so yet another normie wakes up to the truth.
Too bad they're 30 fucking years behind the curve. Better late than never though, I guess.
Who complains more, whites or blacks?
>there are literal college courses on supposed reasons blacks have to complain
What the fuck do you think?
No they just got colonized and sunverted by Yas Forumstards which makes everyone who uses that site seem even more of an idiot
you link them to a vid of lil b - i'm god
>woke but based on facts and reality rather than lies and rhetoric
Fixed that for him.
Please fuck my bitch based god.
I love how "Yas Forums" is literally always at fault for anything and everything that offends you in your little world, even when Reddit does it.