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What's her name?
Kevin Myers
Blake Turner
like I give a shit if somebody doesn't like what I like
Caleb Wilson
batman vs superman, obv
Ethan Brown
Silent hill homecoming
Jason Cox
The directors cut is so much better than the theatrical release.
Caleb Cook
The princess bride
Xavier Edwards
>Silent hill homecoming
Im going to check it out.
Silent hill.
its breddy gud :D
Daniel Parker
Miami Vice 2006
Leo Watson
Ernest Goes to Africa
Jordan Nelson
Jace Watson
Adrian Bell
luciferian towers
Gavin Taylor
I don't know what's /tv'/'s opinion of it, but I fucking love Titanic.
Aaron Gonzalez
The grifter.
>pic related.
David Evans
Too soon
Camden Walker
nacho libre
Hudson Smith
speed racer
Cameron Gray
Isaiah Morales
Incel fantasy
Ryder Cook
So sad
Benjamin Scott
It is a good movie!
Kayden Hill
Charles Parker
This is such a cringe image. Of course the average greaseball will identify with the knight.
>oh my god that's so me in my ideal world
Dominic Young
Attack of the Clones
Jacob Young
Elijah Taylor
none, I'm not a fucking faggot. you're genuinely an obnoxious piece if you can't handle people disagreeing with you
Parker Martinez
Ghosts of Mars
Liam Bell
seems like you can't handle disagreeing with op, fag.
Nathaniel Harris
nobody mobs these movies
Grayson Torres
But srsly was she dead lol
Justin Turner
my niggas (director's cut obviously)
Aiden Rogers
based, this and Doom 2005 are a kino duo I always watch back to back, yet both get shit on by reviewers
John Scott
Barry Lyndon
Speed Racer
Hulk 2003
Jace Torres
all 3 pirates
hero(stop calling it commie propaganda. its more nationalist than anything.)
Thomas Morgan
Lol I can just imagine the neckbeard who drew that. He probably doesn't have the knight's physique or stature but surely has the skills a medieval knight would have, especially with the blade.
Chase Reyes
Stargate Universe
Robert Robinson
sucker punch