*sigh* Somehow Jesus has returned
*sigh* Somehow Jesus has returned
No he didn't
Stop believing in fairy tales written 800 years ago by pedophiles, retards.
Oh no no no no we got too cocky my bromans
t. scatboy Romantard who licks barbarian benis and got his nuts cuts
Seething atheist banana fucker
Still underrated
*sigh*....somehow, Christian violence has returned
Reminder Rome chads didn't give a fuck about Jesus but the J*ws kept whining. Pilate literally told them to fuck off three times and that he wasn't guilty of anything but they refused to stop autistically shrieking
>Jesus? I'm more of a Muhammad guy myself
Based Jews fulfilling the prophecy.
True Pilate did nothing wrong but the crowds kept bitching to kill him because they didn't like the outcome, despite him having done nothing wrong.
Reminder that Israel is a Christian holy land.
Why YES I am an atheist, how could you tell?
I bet you thought about this post months ago
Recommend me some Christkino.
>We are the spark that will light the fire that will burn the Roman empire down.
For me, it's:
Passion of the Christ
The Greatest Story Ever Told
Jesus of Nazareth
Jesus Christ Superstar
The Seventh Seal
The Ninth Configuration
Last Temptation of Christ
Les Miserables (Movie or Play)
Romans had no problem with Jesus, the jews did.
t. Pontius Pilate
>my bromans
Fucking kek
Special Megabeast Investigator Juspion.
Imagine a combination between bibleman, Godzilla. The main character follows the code of the Galactic bible and his main enemy is Satan Goth.
How does that sound user?
t. Tipus Fedoras Maximus
Lol this pissy millennial thinks gen z Christians are as retarded as his boomer parents that made him go to church
>Curing leprosy, duplicating fish and loaves...secrets only the holy spirit knew
Did I ever tell you about Judas...
he was a good friend
*sigh* somehow Jesus has returned as a fruit samurai
>go on Amazon prime
>trending movies are Jesus/Easter movies, some devil horror film, and a Rambo flick
Films about the duality of man?
>It's over judas. I have the most high ground.
>You underestimate my power
>Dont try it
Yeah, they at least really believed. Do you know how many gen z poltards have admitted to only reading the Bible allegorically ? ''its all symbolism bro''
Plus the faggots who admit that they don't really believe but converted to Christianity because ''it's trad and it's what our ancestors did, and it's essential to preserve civilisation''
Yeah gen z christians are even more cringe, not to mention
Good list. Risen is underrated kino. How I imagine Jesus actually looked.
>Do you know how many gen z poltards have admitted to only reading the Bible allegorically ?
You mean exactly as the Bible was read until Amerimutt Protestants shit all over everything? The Bible is half history, half allegory. It's a work written by students of mystery schools and laden with symbolism intended for other initiates to pick up on.
I am ALL the saints!
So you don't really believe in the miraculous deeds of God ? Good, you're a gen z larper like the rest of them
Kek I thought atheists were supposed to be intellectuals.
Baneposting really is a beautiful thing
>So you don't really believe in the miraculous deeds of God ?
No, I do. I also know that the Bible is filled with allegory and much of it is not intended to be read literally. Take your brainlet hylic shit elsewhere. The Bible as you interpret it is the interpretation given to lead you soulless subhumans onto the proper path.
thats a sticcy
anyone just wanna binge old veggie tales vhs tapes with me
Sure let's do it
>I get to pick and choose what is allegory and what is real
your religion is so unbelievably weak.
>things that weren't said
Watch out guys, we got a real big brain over here.
okay I'll load up Josh and the big wall first
Imagine being an adult and still believing in atheism. Grow the fuck up.