Anxiety Kino

Just watched this irl kino. Mfw it’s uncut gems but it’s a cutie with a tranny voice instead.

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the fact she was a feminist icon and a role model for females at one point shows undeniable evidence that women are retarded

Okay but now what about Bill Cospy huh?

I so want her to shit on my chest.

i didnt know bill cosby got 1 bilion dollars to invent a box that breaks the laws of physics and modern medicen

So now you do??

>blonde hair
>black eyebrows

Ironically she’s no worse than 90% of the dot com billionaires that got rich off of vaporware and exit scammed. Her only fault was she was thinking too big too fast. An iterative approach would have been more sustainable. All she had to do was make it slightly cheaper and easier to get labs done, not fucking invent a magic wizard that everyone gets to take home.

Yeah niggers are rapists

Vaporware is a music genre wtf r u talking about

>woman gets pay only 900 million dollars to invent a machine IN 5 YEARS that will saves millions, if not, billions of lives
>elon musk gets payed 500 trillion dollars to send a rocket ship to mars; something that has no utilitarian value at all and is as impossible as the edison
>;___; such an inspiration. Based Musk!
i hate incels so much

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>Black eyebrows
It’s a black and white photo. Her eyebrows are the same color as her hair

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Low effort b8

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Except she wasn't. Feminist circles never clung onto her and most of the time she was a "literally who" to people in social justice communities because they hate millionaires and anyone working in the tech industry. She was basically an industry plant for the "woke" movement that no one actually liked.

That’s vaporwave you underage moron

That would be vaporwave, son. The adults are talking.

uh, nigga, she was a moron who thought she could get the laws of physics to bend to a competitive atmosphere. she didn't know what she was doing or how to do it.

>taking the b8
Based retards

No one likes Musk IRL. People are well aware he doesn't actually invent anything and bought Tesla with apartheid blood money and used his blood money to scrub the names of the founders from the company. He doesn't actually design anything or do any work, and he's basically a meme'd laughing stock at this point.

>gets money to do something that isn't possible
>gets money to do something that is possible

>Yes master Newton, I'll buy whatever you sell me Master Newton. Oh no I'll never do aaaaaaanything that your "laws" don't "allow" master Newton
Imagine being this much of a servile retard that you've never attempted to go beyond the 2 by 2 cage that is your imagination. What a subhuman

Explain how sending a person to Mars, alive, and then back to earth is physically and biologically possible

yes, Theranos is the same. Holmes hired a team of bio engineers to construct the edison and the head guy was a pajeet biotech major who was her boyfriend

Most of these VCs are even dumber. Did you see the people she strung along. She has a talent for story telling which is a key ingredient most inventors never have and they never make it. Technically she wasn’t capable of achieving her vision. Micro fluidics technology is advancing. Illumina (the genome research company) literally designed a lab on chip that uses ionization to separate micro droplets from a tiny sample and route it around their spectrometer chip and it’s done within a few square centimeter area. Her problem was she wanted to hit a home run on the first swing. She should have started by attacking lab analysis costs with an iterative approach keeping data integrity as a top priority. The story wouldn’t have been as interesting but lowering lab costs is something that should be addressed and she had the right intention at first.

Not that guy, but don’t be fucking retarded. No doubt at some point in the future a machine like Edison might be possible (using some as of yet not available mass spectrometry method that doesn’t require dividing the limited blood samples to run multiple tests).

>Don't be retarded
>By the way you're correct
You're a girl

1. build ship
2. fill it with enough food, water, and air for the journey
3. shoot it into space
4. wait for it to come back
5. ???
6. profit
Why does that seem impossible
We sent people to the moon and back in the 70s, why's a mars mission completely impossible when we could do that?

...continued: but what Holmes did was a brainlet move. “I’m gonna invent a time machine!” Basically.

>just add more food, water and fuel bro!
>but what about the added mass that requires more fuel to burn?
>just make the mass magically disappear bro!

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Just make a bigger ship

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It was fascinating. An actual psychopath loose in the world with all the weapons of a current day female. Craziest thing is she's doing the same thing again right now, she's got some rich boy heir wrapped around her finger.