Why is Anya Taylor-Joy so popular around here? I think she has a funny lookin face

Why is Anya Taylor-Joy so popular around here? I think she has a funny lookin face.

Attached: FDD8C5CA-89F3-41EB-A89C-8145239C41F6.jpg (1290x2171, 671.77K)

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Why are her boobs so far apart?


imagine her blowing her snot in your mouth

>Anya Taylor-Joy
more like
>Anya Vapid-Whore
amirite my fellow femanons

they're chasing her eyes

Attached: atjoyous.jpg (781x387, 13.02K)

can someone photoshop her eyes slightly closer together?

would she be hot?

What the fuck is that necklace?

Anyone substantially affiliated with the Dark Crystal series is deserving of popularity among discerning minds.

Looks like the baphomet.

>Big Eyes on Females = Attractive

She kind of looks like an Alien, but at the same time she is cute

Attached: Anya.jpg (1179x1475, 1.7M)


Can someone explain that video where she holds her hair back and says something like
>yes yes, thank you baby

>tfw i'm with a chick who looks damn near identical to her
idk how i did it bros

Attached: gigachad.jpg (1068x601, 56.31K)

>anya taylor joy arriving on earth colorized (2007)


Attached: c1RBAie8.jpg (411x411, 27.3K)

Big eyes like that are certifiably female. Women are supposed to have noticeably larger eyes, the bigger the more prenatal estrogen they were made with. Her shoulder to head ratio is also golden for women. She's easily effeminate.

Surprising to see an actual actress posted around here when most people post trannies like portman, scarjo, and "gal" gadot.

such a beauty

Attached: anya joy1.jpg (675x477, 188.05K)

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Hey, cool it with the antisemitism.

Theres just something.... off about this.
Also, is that gold in her hair?

Attached: hurtful laughter of a tranny.jpg (303x400, 46.94K)

I might have gone too far in a few places. What about now?

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not sure it's an improvement desu

Attached: eyes.png (1180x1326, 1.5M)

Here's the original for comparison

Attached: 1015305.jpg (1350x1800, 1.08M)

its not. shes ruined

there's literally no difference you retard

Attached: Anya Taylor-Joy walk.webm (1280x720, 3M)

I want to put things in her mouth.

Attached: Anya Taylor-Joy toasty buns.webm (1000x720, 2.99M)

Attached: nell tiger free, anya taylor-joy, and lucy boynton.webm (1280x720, 3M)

How they so jiggly?

no bra

i hope she gets cast as a targaryen queen in the new HBO house of the dragon series

literally perfect for it

she's from a planet with different gravity

Do not tempt me, elf.

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this is from endeavour right?

sweet baby jesus and the orphans

You need to widen the iris distance now. She looks cross-eyed here


She is the Female version of Benedict Cumberbatch

You will never be unable to see this now

Attached: Cumberbitch.jpg (1414x2048, 1.15M)

hnngh NTF

You fail to phase me, gaylord.

She's attractive but he looks like an ugly snake.

fuck you id fuck em both at the same time

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I fuckin love ayy lmaos

Attached: clementine.jpg (700x525, 38.27K)


Attached: 1584977137737.webm (600x850, 2.88M)

so sexy, who said brown eye where garbage


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Peak goat aesthetics desu