So what was the moral of the story here?

So what was the moral of the story here?

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Other urls found in this thread:

qts get blacked

that if you burn the coal you pay the toll

Didn't she get arrested for some crazy shit?

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isn't this that random girl who got arrested for being the get away driver for a bunch of black men she was fucking while they went around and killed people over drugs.

So what was the moral of the story here?

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>I hate women because I can't have sex

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wtf is wrong with that niggas forehead lmao

>I like women who fuck niggers

Yeah just because a women cucks you with black cock doesn't mean she is any lss of a person cry more pol simp.

I love how every thread has to have "blacked" or "built for BBC" jokes as people troll each other with interracial sex pics. Then suddenly an irl case of a woman getting blacked exposes how unbelievably racist every single person here is and how all of them are opposed to black men even being near white women.


based cuck

>oh my god my gf cucked me with black cock I hate you whore we can't date now because bbc ravaged your pussy!!!!

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>Yeah just because a women cucks you with black cock doesn't mean she is any lss of a person
It actually does. Any woman to lay down with a feral beast is not properly speaking a person.

was she ever really a person to begin with?

she and her nigger ended up going to prison

its the ultimate end to all niggerloving whores

>you can't just cheat on me with a black guy and carry a negro baby and pretend it's mine oh my god you are such a whore!

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The minute she farted she was damaged goods.

I wish I could burn alive every basedjack poster.

If you can't get laid you aren't human.

It's just that simple.

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>Trusting any woman

Now look at both these fools. Ones a closet homo and ones on her way to never having a job with a guy who will never have a job. Why does anyone care about white roasties. There's no reason to let this shit occupy space in your mind. There are billions of females on Earth and there's a couple of people posting this shit all day long on this site trying to brainwash you. Go outside.

actual Yas Forums incels will take this post seriously and get offended by it.

Where do you think you are?

how many layers of irony are we on now

>having a job is a good thing
>having a job is something to be proud of

Nah, if you want to waste your life slaving away then so be it but know that YOU are the one who loses in the end. I get money for free every month and now with this pandemic a lot of people are out of work and tasting the neet life with unemployment and the stimulus check and are waking up to how much of a scam working your enjoyable years away is.

>Go outside

Good fucking joke, outside is cancelled. Now we all have to suffer in this cesspool together.

Yes. Also, she had a black baby while in a relationship with a white man. They broke up shortly after the baby was born and he realized what a black baby meant.
mostly I like women who have big nasty BRAPs.

Is this Loss?

she got out of prison, and has another kid with a black father. they actually look happy

Why the fuck are you here freak incels? Go back to selfmutilating to your freak discord, freaks

He deserved to be cucked for that hair

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imagine this was your daughter...

*hits pipe*

NEWSFLASH: literally all men are this way about women of their own race. whites are not the rule nor an exception to it.

in the black community for example, niggas call colonized black girls "bed wenches" and there are sjw niggas just like you writing pro-cuck articles about why racial cuckoldry is actually ok.


and don't even get me started on the fact that most of the blacked and BBC spam on this entire website is posted by insecure asian men in the first place.

I have gay sex with gay men constantly. I hate women because they are annoying and irrational.

Why pretend it was otherwise? Every race hates seeing there own daughters race mix.

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based Yas Forums incel schizo

>now with this pandemic a lot of people are out of work and tasting the neet life with unemployment and the stimulus check and are waking up to how much of a scam working your enjoyable years away is.
>being so retarded to not understand this is a house of cards sure to collapse

i gotta assume she turned out that way in the first place because she didn't have a father in the picture.