Also kids are getting super creative with editing and experimental shorts.
Will this tranlate into different film making languages?
Also kids are getting super creative with editing and experimental shorts.
Will this tranlate into different film making languages?
normie humor is so bad
You don't have a different sense of humor dude. You're just not funny.
I miss her small titties
Ho do you go from this...
Let me know when she uploads one to manyvid, then I'll be interested
The tweet doesn't even mention the best part, it's the Lil Wayne mashup version
have sex
what did she mean by this?
Apparently, there is another one.
There were two actresses who played Stephanie. This is not /ourstephanie/
To this!?!?!?
Different actress
Isn't the original Stephanie, so fuck off.
In normie it means "type random letters to show that you're so excited you can't type properly"
Based Cardassian.
TikTok is
>thots acting like whores for attention but pretending they don't know that's what they're doing
I fail to see how that's going to influence film
TikTok is the future of entertainment.
weed and dick on a daily basis
Just like Vine!
lazytown was kino
That's already what 90% of female leads do in movies these days.
Three different actress, and the last one wasn't even on LazyTown. Based faceblind anons.
What is this lip syncing shit? Am I literally too old to understand why people do it?
That's what I mean, how is that going to change anything?
Except your Chinese overlords will keep TikTok alive for as long as possible.
Based. They just need to get rid of the Nazi mods
It may just be which will be a tragedy for kino. And unlike Vine, this will never go down, on account of it being a Chinese front.
Yes, only that twitter couldn't get money of out vine and killed it, but as and say, the CPC won't kill tik tok anytime soon.
slutty kids like attention seeking, basically
Why are Zoomers so based? Zoomer girls are the hottest creation to ever exist.
Just looking at the random posts makes me happy I never had a Twitter and quit all social media in 2016
i predict alot of starlets will be discovered on tiktok