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Obscure kino that only you have seen
Grayson Moore
Luis Hill
Kayden Evans
Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon
Jonathan Cooper
Josiah Johnson
I too watch RLM
my vote goes for Powder (1995)
Blake Kelly
What's RLM?
Carter Wilson
Bad news, user. I've seen Powder multiple times, even if I can't remember any of it, because it used to be shown on one of the premium cable channels like five times a week.
Brody Peterson
>what’s RLM? My taste is unique
Jayden Young
it WAS obscure until RLM and Cinemassacre both did videos on it like a month apart. it was cool af finding this buried on YouTube a few years back. now it'll be the next cult classic among zoomer-millennial hipsters
Ian Butler
Not sure what you're implying.
Carson Morris
ok then. how about Phenomenon (1996)?
Gabriel Cox
Watched this maybe a month or two ago. Saw it when I was like 12 or 13 in the 90s and thought it was hilarious. Couldn't remember the name of it, and then remembered that guy with the I like Ike sign and found it again. Great movie.
Justin Watson
it's probably going to get taken down now
Colton Phillips
Alexander Richardson
I watched most of the movies mentioned back in the 90s. What does that mean about my taste in film?
Liam Murphy
Riki-Oh isn't really obscure anymore. If you enjoy cult films, you've at least heard of it.
Matthew Brooks
WOAH so weird OP I recently just watched this OUT OF THE COMPLETE BLUE!!!
Adrian Stewart
It's not? I found it in this small video shop like 10 or so years ago. I guess it's cool people know about it. It's funny in almost every way.
Caleb Martin
Sebastian Baker
Noah Green
Zachary Perez
Zachary Martin
Ian Hall
oh I've seen it...
when i was 8...
it shook me up quite a bit...
Jordan Bennett
hey that's the one with the weird yodeling doll gunther
James Lee
Lord Zedd?
Adrian Jones
>kinos only you, everyone who grew up in the 90s, and your favorite friend simulators have seen
Robert Hill
speaking of weird japanese films..
i remember watching a movie on tv like 10 years ago that featured weird robotic skeleton creatures and a dude with a cool sword.
also there was a scene where a gizmo looking creature (gremlins) gets tortured by a woman and starting vomiting everywhere.
Evan Bennett
Ayden Smith
Jose Ramirez
she based