Left or right?
Left or right?
For me, it's Angela
For me, it's Erin
There is only one mommy
Right all day
Weird how Rashida is half black
Her father must’ve been a GI or something
Which one is more eager to get pregnant?
Her father is Quincy Jones
All of the women in The Office and Parks and Rec are poisonous and should not be engaged with
girls shouldn't wear shirts!
They should cover them up with suits.
Jenna Fischer used to have a stunning body. She probably has a nice milf body now.
Her voice is really nice too.
Pam at the time but time has proven Rashida to have aged much better
Right. Would love to suplex left through a poker table.
I’ll give you a guess
Of course Satan prefers the psycho stalker.
Rashida looks like the brown version of my brothers wife so naturally I would pick her.
based blind user
right but I respect Jim's hustle for Pam
erin best girl
Rashida is going to age better I think. Pam already has jowls.
A fellow man of taste, I see!
As a young person, naturally I was super pro Jim/Pam because the show spent a lot of time focusing on their relationship as this wrong place, wrong time fiasco that you desperately wanted to work. But now, I am furious at Jim for abandoning Karen and pining after Pam, but mostly I'm angry at the writing staff for making such a stupid decision.
Karen represents healthy growth for Jim. She wants him to progress in his career, go after his goals, make something for himself. Had Karen been the one he was with while he was making his own company, she would have championed him the entire time and even moved with him to Philadelphia. Hell, he probably would have hired her onto the company roster because Karen is an incredibly competent business woman and would have been an asset to their public relations department.
But Jim still goes after Pam, and for what? Pam is bad at her job as stated multiple times in throughout the series. She has no real interests or hobbies outside of Jim and her art, which has been also stated she's not very good at either because she flunks out of art school. She holds Jim back from his dreams and gets angry at him for wanting to improve his lot in life. When he justifiably gets angry at her for not supporting him, she plays the victim and nearly cheats because she somehow feels like it's Jim's fault that things are bad now.
Pam is a waste of space and only serves as a nice girl for Jim to win as a prize. Karen would have challenged and pushed Jim to be better.
she seems really sweet. If you ever watch the bloopers of The Office, she's very feminine but contained.
u have to be retarded to pick pam
she looks perfect you huge fag
I got you bro
Karen has the better face, but prime Pam was pure body kino. Really tough one there user.
good armpit
hers doesn't have the gross side wrinkles a lot of others have
small but tight
you can just tell that ass is FIRM, like a bounce a quarter off it
her anus could probably shear the head right off your dick