Leslie Nielsen

Does his work hold up, or is it certified boomer humor?

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It's give you a grin, but it's only riotous to boomers unfortunately

He was funny but was ultimately wasted potential.

I still enjoy it. Spy Hard was disappointing though.

>wasted potential
He had an entire career of dramatic roles before shifting to comedy in his old age. He's the opposite of wasted potential.

The deadpan king, zoomers won’t find it funny though. They have no appreciation for deadpan wordplay and slapstick


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What is "does it hold up" mean in zoomer lingo? Does it satisfy an ADD Fortnite brain?

Boomers remember him for being a masculine chad

Dude had a gift for deadpan, perhaps it won't age well but comedy kinda never does
In my mind he's...

He was one of the good ones

If not, what would count as "funny comedy" nowadays? Nanette?

oblivious milleneal here
what do zoomers find funny?

Zoomers these days can't watch humor unless it tells them how to think and feel about the world.



streamers that scream a lot and make the basedface, also steven universe

Leslie Nielsen is hilarious. Zoomer humor is not funny. Zoomers have grown up in a post humor world.

superhero quips


Video game manchildren speaking in a funny voice is zoomer humour

If Airplane doesn't make you laugh, nothing should.

The Zuckers understood that his specialty was deadpan straight guy humor and utilized him to his fullest potential in that regard. Other movies didn't realize that and just made him do wacky bullshit, and it was embarrassing.

dare I say redpilled and based

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Millennial here, I think he was hilarious, even to the very end in Superhero Movie and Scary Movie III

Airplane was meh. Naked Gun was true kino

>deadpan king
>not Buster Keaton

If someone in a reaction video laughs then they laugh

Like a midget at a urinal, I was going to have stay on my toes

>Does his work hold up

Aren't Millenials the ones that are famous for being humorless and for considering everything problematic?
For example, they can't even watch Seinfeld.

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Zoomers are the same

A lot of the word-play, sight gags and straight-man delivery is lost on children, so yeah, it's boomer humor.


millenials watched seinfeld with their parents