Kinos with this aesthetic?

Kinos with this aesthetic?

Attached: 1580634933076.webm (720x1280, 2.09M)

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uncanny valley

stop post these fucking webms
cant we go back to the gore

I'd make a few Elliot Rodgers with her

Attached: 1570022423740.png (1208x814, 1.09M)

What did she mean by this?

Don't really give a shit about what you do kiddo

women do this because they want men of different races to fight over them?

Attached: 1586668533031.webm (720x1280, 2.74M)

>I will counter your cherry picking...with my own cherry picking

Attached: 1584798539583.png (211x173, 74.96K)

>cherry picking
white people are just as ugly on average. there's hot chicks of every race.

inb4 incel cope and seethe

i dont really understand whats going on. would these make more sense with sound?

Hello Zhang

I thought she was gonna say black boys last and show her tits

Attached: 1563649512156.jpg (576x1024, 129.22K)

Kinos where the hero is injured but fights on?

Attached: 4.webm (270x480, 190.28K)

I'd still focus my energies on the one on the left, she seems attainable at the very least

While I agree that he was cherrypicking, whites do look significantly better on average.

Attached: mutts law.png (750x751, 70.28K)

Is that a fucking de-shelled tortoise?

madeeq zohart

Bugmen for you,

The ugliest Europeans are still more attractive than most filipinas

based and risk assesmentpilled

what are "lightskins" or "wasians"


It's a dead frog that was having muscle spasms. If you sprinkle salt on fresh meat, it can spasm and wig out.

Attached: Frog-Leg-Twitch.gif (480x360, 480.62K)

Usually means the person is themselves a cheater

Holy fuck


Light skin blacks. Not sure about wasians I guess they either means hapas or Asian guys who act white.


tiktok interracial shit has me feeling like Chang has some algorithms going on his app to foment hatred and disunion in the states.

seeing that the US military banned personnel from having it on their phones there's probably some nasty shit behind tiktok

normalfags speak for niggers with lighter toned skin and hapas

Attached: 1585963689050.webm (854x480, 1.01M)

This. This is worse than gore, I rather watch a dog get beat by a shovel than these fucking whores

That's not how they eat frog

Attached: 1.webm (480x360, 2.95M)

>german anime girl made by a gook who hates himself

I would rather my gf eat dogs than fuck them

Attached: 1574339479412.webm (540x960, 2.19M)

asian cope

All statistics disagree

No wonder the rice blood boils.

Jokes on her I have a small penis

We need to nuke them boys


Attached: 1575401504756.webm (540x960, 1.92M)

not in asia

I would rather my gf fuck dogs than eat them

Attached: 1546801481379.png (486x598, 231.55K)

I don't get this. She's just making stupid expressionless faces while text is displayed on the screen.

I don't know what a lot of those words mean and I can't tell if any of their reactions are negative or positive

these make my pant tight

I'm a fucking loser in any metric but it makes me happy to see people posting webms I have made.

lmao i thought asians were supposed to be smart they can't even construct a proper acronym

Fucking vermin

Attached: 1580600743541.webm (608x692, 1.39M)

those are asian-americans

Considering these are the webms you should be even more ashamed

hook line and sinker every fucking time

Attached: kyle hyde naw nigga.gif (191x256, 223.19K)

Attached: chinks.jpg (563x390, 21.54K)

this is one of the most retarded things I have ever seen

>. there's hot chicks of every race.
Yeah cause there's only one human race, whites

Who is this whore and why should I care

I legit donĀ“t understand what any of these expressions mean.

Attached: 1526409317495.jpg (298x350, 29.78K)

asians do take the fake makeup to the next level though

I am extremely suspicious of good looking asian women. They are all professional makeup artists and have the discipline to actually spend hours on it.
At least white women are too lazy to keep it up 24/7 so you can see them without makeup now and then.

That's actually racist and I cant believe you'd say that. This is the Chinese century, remember?

Attached: 7.webm (200x360, 1.21M)

>there's hot chicks of every race.
Post a hot Abo'.

I'm a white guy but I'm curious whether these videos are just generic clips of girls looking retarded and then a content farm calculates some rage-bait text to put on them

No doubt this was made by an Asian man

Attached: 1582819383083.webm (405x720, 1.94M)

>haha baited lol i trol u