She needs to be stopped

She needs to be stopped

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I would let her squat over me and goop on my face is you catch my drift

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Just stop paying attention to her, that will devastate than other action you could inflict upon her.

How can you survive on only 7 limes?

>seven fucking limes
bitch what the fuck

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I would masturbate on her scented candle if you're hearing my call.

all you truly need is beans, rice, garlic, salt, onions, eggs and cooking oil. fresh greens are too expensive and not really an option for poor people.

I know it’s been said endlessly but how can you be this retarded?
Just buy eggs, beans, frozen veggies and rice. If you’re not a veggie faggot beef mince and chicken breast.
That’s the only way you make $29 feed for a week.

She's fucking hot. Older women are amazing.

She needs to be shopped!

>expensive mexican shitbread
Bitch just shut the fuck up. Trade those pieces of garbage for full chickens and you're fucking GOOD to go for more than 1 week.

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hey dont forget potatos

maybe buy some actual fucking food instead and you'll be fine

>tfw you forget to warm up your yoni egg

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Should I buy one Yas Forums?

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what does a smells like my vagina smell like?

Making it sound as if Pablo his wife and their 6 kids are forced to live off of $29 a week
They get hundreds per week on snap and it goes up the more dependents you have

Disingenuous cunt


Imagine the smell

Haven't eaten a potato in years.

tear a hole in your guts, don’t clean it, and let it sit for a week, and you’ll have the smell of goop’s clam

I this ironic?

Because's that's fucking plenty.

A bag of lentils alone is good for two large pots of soup, which alone is good for 2 weeks to feed at least 2 people...

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bullshit, i bet you ate fries yesterday


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Yas Forums has never cooked anything

true there are some retarded things in there but that is enough to feed a family for a week.

>that is enough to feed a family for a week
you've never been to america have you?



>7 limes

someone link the video of that guy who fed himself very decently for a day on a budget of 1 pound

I only eat meat because I'm not a faggot so I don't know how much mileage you'd get out of celery or whatever that gay shit in the picture is

Can't believe this Tokio hotel faggot landed this piece of ass

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whats he shooting at?

>$29 a week

This is what a single person making just under the limit gets in benefits. Families get $500+ a month easily