Why do people here hate contrarians? Contrarians are what drive discuss and make this place unique

Why do people here hate contrarians? Contrarians are what drive discuss and make this place unique.

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I think the issue many take is that of unintelligent or lazy disingenuity, rather than merely playing devil's advocate,

Everybody hates contrarians. Even contrarians. They just hate them less than normies do.

Nonononononono boy bros this can't be happening again, we are supposed to be in charge here

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The artist was fighting a bad case of syphilis at the time. Not fun. Not fun at all.

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I fucking hated when my Granpa done this

same but with potatoes instead of oranges

What the hell was Grandpa's problem?

Who was in the wrong here?

I disagree


They didn’t until the 07 economic collapse. The 00s was the era of contrarian masterpiece cinema.

Some people genuinely can't handle other opinions and will have complete mental breakdown over them

If your opinion is always the opposite of the general opinion then you are just as much of a sheep


uncle alex was a dirty hipster

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me no contrarian
me no drive discuss
me sad by this

why are those midgets wearing nylons?

his wife got raped by negroes

lanklets btfo

Not really, by sheer definition.

A grown man should be able to easily lift a kid with one hand. The writer of this must be a weak ass bitch

incredibley accurate fp, of course surface level contrarians can't handle it

Too foxy

no one needs a barrel of oranges

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who gets this excited for going on a walk?

Fuck off dickhead. Go ahead and take two 40 kilo weights and hold them outstretched by your sides. If you even get them up there you won't hole them for long.

daily reminder the Choco-Peanut Butter Dual Monarchy won the battle of Easter.

why are the boys wearing stockings?

people in the good old days
Honestly it's a good time still

That was the biggest prank of them all that they did to grandpa, they aren't really boys at all

Oranges are based, fag

90% people in the world after the lockdown

based foxy granpda dabbing on zoomers

But you are. Your shepherd is your own contrarianism.

Did Uncle Alex honestly believe he could outsmart foxy Grandpa?

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