Would you let him take a picture with your daughter ?
Would you let him take a picture with your daughter ?
Other urls found in this thread:
the on the right has some really cute buds
They will become entitled bitches.
>lemonade stand
>maserati in the back
Pure, 100% Nonceade
does the dog really have to be present
Only if it's me taking them while furiously masturbating
that's their dad bro
That symbol on Henry's arm is rather suspect
dog is a pussy magnet
I mean Henry is already a pussy magnet but the dog amplifies it to the power of 10
Yeah why not.
>Everyone agrees pedophiles are the scum of the earth
>It's illegal for me to wish death on these two pedos because.....reasons
When you find a lemonade stand
Blondie is tucked away like a napkin, holy shit
Not me, cunnychads are apex based
if homosexuals are women souls inside a man's body, pedophiles are just boys in a man's body. why can't they get representation user?
>Everyone agrees pedophiles are the scum of the earth
nah that's just puritan americans
>having an akita around children
Batman would never do something so dumb.
lmao what is this event?
post the real one
That seething creative director or whatever the fuck she is.
He's more interested in painting his Warhammer figures.
This guys pr is heavy handed but recognizes the audience for once, rare imo
don't derail the thread nerd
>watches anime
>mained a human priest in vanilla
>plays mtg
hell yeah i would
>human priest
He obviously wants to be cast as the GodEmperor of man.
If by everyone you mean roasties, old hags, feminists, landwhales, redditors, soiboys, white knights, tranies, brainwashed goys, sjw and (you), then yes.
look at that power stance
I like him but I dont see it. The Emperor would need to be undefined, like light always blocks his face or his head is cut out of scene because hes too big.