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Blu-ray screenshot thread
Evan James
Gabriel Robinson
John Gutierrez
Christian Myers
Aiden Gutierrez
Ryan Ortiz
A clip from one of the greatest photorealistic achievements in film history
Carson Hall
Anthony King
Christian Phillips
Parker Anderson
Juan Flores
Colton Parker
Dominic Davis
Jayden Barnes
Nathaniel Long
Aaron Sanchez
Isaiah Sullivan
Christian Howard
imagine saving screenshots as a 4mb PNG when a 90% quality jpeg looks exactly the same at less than 1/4 the filesize
Owen Taylor
Opening the PNG in JPEGviewer, then saving the result as a JPG works too
Isaiah Thompson
Liam Gutierrez
Jacob Anderson
Nathaniel Baker
Nicholas Ramirez
Looks like it was exposed to the air for too long, cheese isn't even warm anymore, would not bite.
Ian Walker
Levi Gutierrez
Aaron Wright
Dominic Cruz
Easton Rodriguez
Angel Bell
Connor James
wtf wrong with her eye hair?
Blake Perry
Michael Flores
Zachary Smith
Luis Sanchez
Jonathan Clark
Nathaniel Adams
Thomas White
Jackson King