I refuse to watch this trash

For 2 weeks every faggot out there's saying "OH YOU HAVE TO WATCH TIGER KING"
In real life and on the Internet
Its fucking annoying
I didn't see Star Wars as a kid because everyone in my class watched it and wouldn't shut the fuck up about it

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you're not missing anything it's not even that good
just a mediocre real life drama shit

Normies do this with every FOTM Netflix doc. Remember when no one would shut the fuck up about Making a Murderer?

Still, it makes it easy to distinguish normies and r*dditors. You can safely hide any thread about it, stop talking to anyone you know that tells you to watch it, and nothing of value will be lost.

you're not special for being a contrarian, in fact you are a faggot since you take pride in it

>5 mousebucks have been deposited into your bank account

the one about the Fyre Festival was good

Hi Netflix shill

It was good but then you find out it was partially produced by the PR firm. So I'm gonna go with the Hulu one.

It's just NPCs worshiping the hottest new thing. They did the same thing a few years ago with the documentary about the murdering guy where they pretended that he was innocent. They'll fuck off eventually, and then when some new NPC crap gets released they'll come back and spam every board nonstop again.

just admit you're a boomer. you're getting so old that fads outrun you.

realistically speaking,u would have watched tiger king a long time ago, way before the normies

Nobody is forcing you, fucking faggot.

based i'm not watching it either

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Not liking something that is popular is fine.
going out of your way to avoid watching popular things because it makes you feel superior, and then making threads about it, makes you a faggot.

Internet Historian undefeated

i didn't even say anything about the show or netflix, it was purely about op as a person

yeah, i remember being like that as a teenager; then i started feeling like an annoying faggot and stopped

I'm aware of it but have no interest in watching it.

i watched it because i had nothing else to watch

it's overrated like every netflix show. i can't think of a single show that isn't zoomer trash


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I watched the Louis Theroux doc where he met this guy, whats the deal with this one? also, is it available on torrent sites?

Netflix hit squad is better equipped than Disney sleeper cells.

>real life drama shit

i wouldnt call it that.

Its a moderately interesting time killer, all its meant to be. Grow up

I thought it was just one movie, then it shows it is a fucking season of 7 episodes. Fuck you, when do normies and redditors have time for this shit. When russians are taking their software dev jobs those fuckers are sitting at home and watching netflix.

it's an entertaining show. I enjoyed it

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>when do normies and redditors have time for this shit

hmm not sure. Lockdown perhaps?

yes because your Yas Forumsfaggot echo chamber on twitter told you to like capeshit or risk coming across as 'cringe' which has shaped your entire pathetic personality, you have devolved

I watched 3 episodes before giving up and you're not missing much. It's just a weirdo circus which is something normalfags obviously love watching.


>if you're not a contrarian, you like all normie shit
i dislike capeshit like most people here, but i don't go around trying to change the opinion of people who do like it

Looks like a good thread for this, is the new ep out yet?

Intentionally not watching something because lots of other people like it is the faggiest most hipster thing one can do
kill yourself