Take the vaccine bucko. Maybe I will let you have some social gatherings

Take the vaccine bucko. Maybe I will let you have some social gatherings.

Attached: bill.jpg (720x576, 207.81K)

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Do you have the pic of Trump carrying two crying children with Demon Hillary's face in the background?

No but I have this I hope it makes you laugh.

Attached: trump jew.webm (640x352, 2.9M)

Daily reminder vaccines, modern medicine, municipal water, and GMOs are safe and responsible for an explosion in the human population and life expectancy.

It's common knowledge buddy. Everyone who says otherwise is probably memeing.

>vaccine is bad because...I dont understand them

Only reason to dislike bill gates is because he's artificially inflating the populations of third world countries by saving them from the natural consequences of drinking ditch water

I'm not gonna be glad when he dies but I'll be glad when he's gone

Bill Gates went to Epsteins island multiple times. These are bad people

GMO's are not (entirely) safe, especially not those by monsanto

The rest of your post is nothing but a strawman

Also enjoy being claimed as property of big gmo after their products change your DNA makeup

Oh no a grown man wanted to fuck a 16 year old with big tits rather than a blown out 40 year old single mom. OH NOOOOOOOOOO

yeah richer people are always evil and bcakstabbing


Attached: Capture.png (201x192, 93.92K)

Enjoy your RDIF implants, simps

If you were that rich, would you not want to fuck teens if you could get away with it?

>RDIF implants
>implying the govt even needs this shit when using any internet connected device opens you up to 1984 style tracking

>White people using Simp incorrectly again

He just needs a vaccine

As opposed to you and all the other 4channel users "joking" about how superior cunny is and why we shouldn't have age of consent laws? Yes, I'm sure you have the moral high ground over the elites who conveniently are all pedophiles if they don's share your politics but deserve the benefit of the doubt if they do.

Nothing wrong with that.

You shouldn't use words you don't understand. It undermines your message.

>he thinks it's just for tracking
top kek

>muh monsanto boogeyman

you really don't know that gates is actually trying to push rfid to show what vaccines you got


Attached: F170522NS18-880x495.jpg (880x495, 71.96K)

they can get literally all they need just from your smartphone use
not just locations, not just what you speak or which sites you follow, but wants needs and thoughts aswell

Pretty sure that's only for countries with limited medical infrastructure. In 1st world countries you basically already have this shit. It's called a medical record and it's stored at a doctor's office somewhere

>seeds fly away into your property
>it grows something
>get sued
They are garbage human beings

Attached: fc4.jpg (540x720, 53.02K)

Yup, I have a personal record that has all my shots and a bunch of my visits going bak to when I was born in the 90s.

It's actually spooky that the conspiracy nuts turned out to be right about so many things

Attached: vaccine.png (1094x1306, 338.75K)

The biggest problem with Monsanto was the overreaction by the retarded public which resulted in the overregulation of GMOs hindering competition to make newer, safer, and better plants.

Why is Bill Gates circumcising all those Africans?

Attached: 1553884622082-2.png (544x572, 4.74K)

why do neoliberals want less nonwhite people to be born?

>fucking girls in their primes
this is bad WHY?

Attached: d98e245ca4690895a56ae8ef93b5b0c5.jpg (1080x1046, 91.76K)

>alex jones says some crazy ass shit
>10 years later it's real
It's so uncanny dude wtf

are the frogs gay yet?

would not be surprised

Literally why is this bad?
You're witnessing now the consequences of what a global pathogen can do. The only way out of it is broad immunization and how the fuck is that going to be possible in poorer areas in central/south america, africa, and southeast asia?

A tattoo just listing what you've had rather than a stored medical record somewhere is pretty smart.

So i won't be able to travel if i don't have a gatesstamp on my arm?

>always crying about wanting to fuck cunny
>but shouts PEDO BAD when someone else does it
this board, man

Attached: 1583090598360.jpg (320x362, 10.11K)


there's literally nothing wrong with requiring the mark of the beast in order to engage in commerce

eat the bugs, implant the chip

good goy

IMO I prefer the stored record. I checked out the site for ID2020 and it's no where near as bad as people think. id2020.org/ I get the appeal, but I think the potential for abuse is too great. In America if there were some serious controls on what the government could do it this might work ok. In a place like China or Myanmar they would triple fuck the population abusing something like this.

which television or film are we discussing here my friends

>he doesn't know

>even reddit drones are spooked

>mark of the beast
kys boomer schizo

>no argument as to why that system wouldnt work

hey look a guy who actually read it and has a balanced fair opinion

I had to click a bunch of times to get to the parent corporation.

>Patrick Jean Pouyanné[1] (born 24 June 1963) is the chairman and CEO of Total.
>He born to a Jewish family.

>triple fuck the population abusing something like this.
They already use facial recognition databases. I dont see how it could be exploited in a way that they arent already abusing privacy rights. Like...who cares what diseases I'm incapable of getting?

you're glowing, user

just a coincidence

You wouldnt qualify if you're from a country with an actual medical record system and you already have to get things like a malaria vaccine to travel to africa so this isnt even new

How is Alex's barcode theory going?

>"You see, 666 is a doubling of 33. And 33 is pi."

>invisible quantum dot tattoo

nigger are these fucks retarded.

Dont you have a bill hicks video to be commenting on

eat the bugs


based Bill "negro euthanizer" Gates keeping Africa under control.

You already eat roughly 100 lbs a bugs are year if you are american.

So meh.

It's because they're having sex and I'm not

>noo! you can't just save millions like that!