How they will fuck up the netflix adaptation

how they will fuck up the netflix adaptation

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By making it.


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FPBP. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it

Fuck netflix

Ask yourself in what way would a live action adaptation improve or add to the original

Make the air nomads black and every nation has Diversity.

by making it souless trash



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Toph will be black and Sokka and Katara will be spics.

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By paying lip-service to the fans of the original and woke-fags and declaring that it will be "culturally appropriate", and then proceeding to westernise the aesthetic and casting a bunch of white people and African Americans to appeal to the demographics of their audience instead of maintaining an all Asian cast. Which is exactly what will happen.


>yfw black Azula

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>By paying lip-service to the fans of the original and woke-fags and declaring that it will be "culturally appropriate"
It’s hard to believe that this was never made a big deal out of in 2005. The show covered many topics such as racism, fascism, imperialism, genocide, etc. The difference is is that it was set in its own world. The one thing I fear with Netflix is how unsubtle it will be
>Ozai acts a lot like Trump, mannerisms and all
>All Fire Benders will be racists to some degree, to the point where fans would be all “Yo go gurl” about Hama when we reach her episode
The show at least kept every topic interesting

go post your gay anime shit on the other retard fagot board

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By adding unnecessary side characters that twitter will ship with a main character.



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Katara will lose all her negative traits and become the REAL reason the group functions instead of it being a team effort like the show
Sokka will be completely incompetent and only comic relief with no depth
Aang will be bisexual
Toph will have a speech about how much of a STRONG FEMALE CHARACTER she is at some point
Azula will be a negress

Avatar had an asian aesthetic but the entire cast being asian just wouldn't fit the look of the original cast. Perfecting casting would be a variation of hapas or people from countries with that sort of blend but there isn't really enough of them in the industry

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I think you'll get a shorter answer by asking "How they WON'T fuck up the Netflix adaptation?".

Ember Island Players in Real Life

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> Prominent gays
> blacks
> social issues that involve modern day American identity politics.
> ham fisted feminist moments

They had Sword of Shanara TV series that I don't think anyone watched, I've never seen it mentioned here. The very first fucking scene involves some traditional race among men where they wear bags on their head, lead female joins to break tradition and wins.

Not casting PRIME CUNNY for Toph

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Fucking Kek.

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>black evil character
>netflix adaption
lol they'll make her blonde and blue eyed

The only thing i would like to see changed is Aang actually killing the Firelord, everyone got a great end to their character arc expect Aang because of that deus ex bullshit "LOL i can just take your powers away"

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King Bumi was gay and Katara black tho.

Am I the only one here that didn’t mind the energy bending