>"The characters in the movie hurl politically laden insults at each other like “snowflakes” and “deplorables," two terms used to refer to those on the political left and Trump supporters, respectively. It is punctuated with references ranging from “the deep state” and “crisis actors” to “cancel culture.”"
>""Our political leaders are more polarized than ever, so any mention of the words 'liberal elite' or 'deplorables' gets their attention, which spills over to the public's attention," Heather Evans, a political science professor at the University of Virginia’s College at Wise, told The Hill."
>"The movie has been characterized by critics as “The Purge” for MAGA country, a reference to a 2018 horror movie about a society that makes mass crime, including murder, legal for one night every year. Fox News said it "glamorizes the killing of Trump supporters.""
>"The movie's plot involves rich people who mock an unnamed president and raise concerns about cultural "appropriation" and gendered language while hunting people who are characterized as "rednecks," own guns and express aspirations to be on "Hannity.""
Is the YEAR of POLITICAL SATIRE finally here? Are you hyped, Yas Forums?
At least right and left can agree on what a shit movie this is.
Gavin Hall
nice thread retard
Dylan Russell
Fuck off kike shill
Julian Ramirez
the movie fucking blows
Wyatt Wood
I’ll never forgive Lindelof for cucking Brad Bird into making his first shitty movie, Tomorrowland. Everyone who was ever involved with that hack cultural event schlock Lost should hang.
Parker Johnson
What superficial garbage. Though idiots at Fox News seem to have taken thr bait hook line and sinker.
Parker White
This movie has no discernible political position or message. It uses political buzzwords as window dressing and nothing more.
Adam Diaz
sounds like the movie itself is shit so they had to bait people into watching it
Michael Carter
> This movie has no discernible political position or message.
Nonsense, it’s still an ultimately pro-Left Dem movie, as the killers are only doing what they do because Rightwingers screwed up their lives one way or another, thus implying that their murderous actions are somehow justified and furthermore, the hero (Betty Gilpin and her tits) wasn’t supposed to be one of the deplorable victims.
The film took the cowards way out by making Gilpin just a mistaken identity fencesitter. She should have been fully fledged qanon tard and conspiracy theorist red blood republican.
Cameron Baker
>we remade the most dangerous game yet again >but now with political references from reddit to date the shitty remake at release Bravo.
Jose James
When I go to watch films the one fucking term that turns me off in reviews/ads is "political".
Luis Perry
Agreed, her character could have been way more interesting if they went full right wing with her.
Luke Young
So now when I want to watch danish pedoparanoia kino all the search results are gonna give me this trash
Dylan Powell
even better: they cancelled the tron sequel to make that piece of shit
lmao kill yourself lindelof you talentless hack your shilling attempts are more retarded than your scripts
Lucas Clark
If one has to explicitly specify something as satire is it really satirical?
Colton Garcia
Had to google her after that scene. Pleased to find out her tits are actually quite nice.
Jonathan Collins
>as the killers are only doing what they do because Rightwingers screwed up their lives one way or another, The movie never shows them as being justified in killing them over this, if anything they're shown as petty and overreacting and ironically fulfilling the rightwingers fantasies by becoming what they claimed they were much like the pigs in Animal Farm become just like the humans they rebelled against. Betty Gilpin character is probably liberal leaning or apolitical as her last remark to Hillary Swank is that she should be called Snowball instead of her because "Snowball is an idealist, the other pigs hate him because he wants to help others." aka conservatives hate liberals because they want to help people and make the world a better place because they're inherently selfish, Betty character doesn't give a fuck about the politics or the motives in the moment she just wants to survive.
Henry Perez
Snowflakes has referred to fragile rightists for years. This movie is already out of touch
Jacob Watson
If they have to specify, then it means they failed. Much like if any director comes out and says, "My movie actually means X." Well, then you failed to get that across if you have to point it out.
Wyatt Turner
was gonna watch this movie for based sturgill, how bad did it suck?
Lucas Murphy
>it’s still an ultimately pro-Left Dem movie Ye gods you can just smell the cope.
The film takes pot shots at both sets of extremists, and does it reasonably well enough to drag both sides' apologist brigades out to 'counter' it.
Dominic Allen
They wouldn't have gone that way because her and her boobs are the saving grace of the film. Too attractive to be conservative: would have sent the wrong message from their perspective.
Daniel Reyes
if you believe in free speech, the right to defend yourself etc then liberals want you to suffer and they want you dead.
this is just one way for them to live out their fantasies.
one of the other big ways is to brainwash your kids on social media ;)
Brody Fisher
This movie is actually hilarious. It makes fun of both sides. Good amount of comical deaths and gore, dialogue feels fresh and clever. It’s total schlock but it’s good schlock. Don’t go in expecting some arthouse creative brilliance, but this is a fun-ass movie to watch with the boys especially if you lean right or are a lefty with a good sense of humor.
Michael Rivera
How can they call it The Hunt? That movie already exists
Josiah Hill
Why does the right hate this movie again? The "bad guys" are all portrayed as inept liberal opportunists and the protagonist is a conservative, gun toting hick who's actually the smartest person in the movie.