>coworker asks if I saw the Steven Universe ending
>he's a 31 year old man
Why are more and more adults watching cartoons these days? It's so weird how suddenly grown adults are all watching Cartoon Network and acting like it's normal. When I was in middle school in the 2000s you'd get called a baby if you were still watching cartoons
Coworker asks if I saw the Steven Universe ending
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consoom, dont think
>grown adults are all watching Cartoon Network and acting like it's normal.
Define normal
same, all people around me watch shit like Steven universe, Rick and Morty or even new simpsons (coworkers). I just watched True Detective for first time and I'm amazed and nobody wants to talk about it and when I recommend it to someone they just say "hmm"
You made this exact same thread 7 hours ago.
>has made this type of thread literally dozens of times
give me one good reason why frogposters shouldn't be nuked
Having friends
Having a loving family
Having a useful job that pays reasonably well
Not being obsessed with media (TV, movies, comics, cartoons, video games, etc)
Not on drugs
Eating right
Not being gay
Not being a sexual deviant
Not being on Yas Forums
>My dad called me shameless and immoral because he found out i watched Game of Thrones from my cousin
He said he thought he raised me with values
Why aren't you glad that you are in the position of power this time around? Bully that loser nerd
I swear he was 28 years old last time this was posted.
You're on an anime board, dude.
>just rewatched Avatar for the first time since I was a child
>felt happy for once
Fuck your judgemental threads user, I'll watching children's cartoons if I want to.
why do we need this thread for the second time today?
Man up and watch a real toon like Ren and Stimpy
Americans are manchildren. Just take a look at how they dress.
Yeah, like you're any better asking if people have seen Million Dollar Extreme, Captain Incel.
if he has a career and a home, has hobbies and is productive what the fuck is the problem
What do you think he was shooting?
No. 7 hours ago I was inside your old mans hairy gaping anus.
why do you assume everyone who isn't a manchild who watches cartoons is a Yas Forumscel? I don't care about MDE or Murdoch or any other gay shit
It feels like more grown men are watching cartoons and playing video games these days. Like they’ve become socially acceptable instead of nerdshit.
He's a faggot, obviously
>he knows what murdoch murdoch is
That's enough, incel.
Part of being an adult is learning when to put the toys away and accept responsibility
>incels can't live a normal life in school because they like videogames and cartoons
>change their ways with great self hate
>10-15 years later
>videogames and cartoons are normal and they just shot themselves in the foot
Based normies dabbing on those idiots
Nope. The normies who watch cartoons aren't successful people. They're low class.
I've never met a rich person who watches cartoons or plays video games
Its signs of a decaying society
i said if hes productive and has a career. thats not accepting responsibility?
It shows you have an immature mind if you're watching cartoons as an adult. It shows you don't want to grow up
Yesterday he was 28 now he’s 31 lol
You just described a boomer. Everything you listed is fine in moderation except being gay. Gay is nasty.