It is time for a thread about the greatest fantasy movies ever made.
>favorite movie
>favorite scene
>favorite character
>favorite track
>favorite location
And anything else you want to share and be belittled for liking.
It is time for a thread about the greatest fantasy movies ever made.
>favorite movie
>favorite scene
>favorite character
>favorite track
>favorite location
And anything else you want to share and be belittled for liking.
>the greatest fantasy movie
yeah Pan's Labyrinth is quite good
There was a lot of kino in Middle Earth. I achieved orgasm when Gandalf rode down the mountain with the Rohirim at his back.
Doesn't exactly make much tactical sense, but looked fucking cool.
>favorite movie
Lord of the Rings :^)
>favorite scene
>favorite character
>favorite track
Especially 3:13
>favorite location
>>favorite movie
The Wizard of Oz
>>favorite scene
Dorothy entering Technicolor
>>favorite character
Tin Woodman
>>favorite track
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
>>favorite location
The Haunted Forest
The shire theme is the comfiest goddamn track ever. Edoras is a close second
>make an entire trilogy that's considered the peak of all fantasy kino
>not a single racial minority or LGBTQ+ representative present
Sam's Speech
Breaking of the Fellowship (Rohan best theme)
>favorite movie
>favorite scene
Pick any scene from the conclusion to the council of Elrond, through the end of fellowship, and it’s all 10/10. So either Moria or Amon Hen
>favorite character
Legolas as a Kid, Boromir now
>favorite track
Literally can’t decide I don’t wanna write down the 10 that are top kino
>favorite location
Balin’s Tomb
What are you on about? Faramir sucked dick like a faggot in every scene!
The Nine riding out of Minas Morgul. Fuck that scene was 200 IQ minimum.
There were tons of immigrants in the movie (pic related).
They just want to culturally enrich The White City!
I smiled
>>favorite movie
>>favorite scene
Everything Sean Bean
>>favorite character
Biomir cause Sean Bean
>>favorite track
>>favorite location
>The DARK Lord
Did Tolkien know?
>Doesn't exactly make much tactical sense
It does if you know the sun is coming over the horizon and about to blind the orcs who are facing into it
I'm always surprised at how well these hold up. I try to sit down once a year and take the time to watch all 3 extended editions back to back and it's never anything short of an adventure.
I have a boxed bluray set of the extended editions and I can't wait to one day, when he's old enough, sit down with my son and show them to him. Even if he's too far gone down the zoomer rabbit hole I will at least force him to see all 3 movies once.
Show him the theatrical bluray first if you want him to not become a plot point mental midget.
Perhaps you're right. The EEs might be a little much for him. Save those for when/if he likes the originals and want to see the extended versions.
On an unrelated note I haven't landed on whether or not I actually -want- a 4k version of these movies yet. On one end, it would be nice to see the practical effects and characters in glorious high res, but the animations and effects haven't exactly aged terribly well.
I don't think a true 4K remaster is even possible, because as far as I know the digital effects were rendered out at 2K
What exactly IS the right age to show a zoomer these movies? I have a nephew who's dad's too much of normalfag to appreciate LOTR and I want to show him the movie at an age where he'll appreciate them.
I saw fellowship in theatres at 8 and instantly fell in love so that is my target, 8-10 range
If your nephew is an English speaker, or is proficient enough to observe and draw meaning from conversation I think it can be as young as 11. But 12-14 will still get a good kick out of it. 15+ is starting to push what teenagers today would call cringe and he'll probably not stop taking the piss. If he's that old already you might as well wait until 18 and try again when his head's slightly more attached.
I saw it at 10 and I loved it to no end, but a lot of my native-tongued friends had a hard time with the language barrier.
>favorite movie
1st one, the only really great one. the others are too split apart, jackson does his best to glue it together but it doesnt fully work.
>favorite scene
the intro of the first one, really great. also the finale of the first one, the river, boromoir dying, frodo swimming sam
>favorite character
sam, he is kind of stupid and faggotry, but I really like his positive attitude and his companionate friendship
>favorite track
main track, it has established itself as the key tune for the film and is easily recognizable, the rohan tune has grown on me though
>favorite location
the river with the mountain and the two kings, was sweet to see it at the cinema
>hottest woman
that girl in gondor when faramir is parading out for his death, she is very hot
You might actually want to start him off with The Hobbit series. Not only because it makes more canonical sense to do so, but they're far more light-hearted movies and you can easily go as young as said with those. The Hobbit can be appreciated by pre-teens but LOTR I'd recommend you at least being thirteen for simply because they are a little more character-complex than The Hobbit movies.
I like the dragon's eel head
I didn't much like the hobbit films, but Lilly makes for a breedable elf.
>[cultural enrichment intensifies]
the almost laser cut chopped of arm is a bit silly
Imagine riding a horse into 5 lines of thickly packed pikemen with a hundred horsemen behind you coming at top speed
You'll die in a second and kill the guys behind you by making them force stop immediately.
I don't have an implying.jpg large enough for this post so I'm not even going to bother.
i think in the books the pikemen got destroyed easily because the sun hit and was blinding them and they couldn't fight or make a stand and then scattered because they got demoralised