Howl's Moving Castle is my favourite Ghibli film and if you don't like that you can go fuck yourself

Howl's Moving Castle is my favourite Ghibli film and if you don't like that you can go fuck yourself.

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Me too OP

For me, it's Italian Plane Pigman

>Not ponyo

It's definitely better than spirited away, but they're both weak ghibli movies.

Well, its shit. But you already knew that



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Laputa and Nausicaa are the best Miyazaki films

Goddamn I want to watch some ghibli films now

Mimi wo Sumaseba is the best Ghibli film


Based but Mononoké is better

>Spirited away: nothing happens the movie
Porco rosso it's the true pleb filter

Probably mine as well.




Nothing comes close to the based Italian pig

Most of them are on netflix. I've been binging on them for the past couple of days while shitposting on Yas Forums from the comfort of my bed. Petty comfy.

I watched that marnie anime, pretty comfy and wholesome desu. "literally me" kino

Spirited Away has no plot. Literally no plot.

I'm a spic and i'm sad they slighty changed the dubs for all the movies. The netflix dubs are SOULLESS as fuck.
I have the dvds at least.

What the fuck are you talking about fucking retard

Yay for Ponyo

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Well you can always watch the with the original Japanese dubs and subtitles. I don't because I feel the English dubs of Ghibli films are actually pretty good. Way better than most anime. They get people like Christian Bale and Emily Blunt to do the voices.

Lol what a weak fucking bait jesus christ

'only yesterday' for me

Is this movie as soulful as that photo looks?


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Fucking Based Porcochads

>Girl finds a magical bathhouse and then a bunch of random nonsense ensues: The Anime
Yeah, listen, I like Spirited Away because it's weird and surreal, but let's not pretend it's some landmark of masterful storytelling.

I live in burgerland and we don't have any ghibli movies on netflix

Her clothes magically go from red to blue because the chosen one was suppsoed to wear blue

Nah. Too dark. Watch ponyo. Ponyo is life, ponyo is love.

Yeah there's a plot, save her parents, how dense are you?

it was the blood of the ohmu that died it blue

This and the lupin movie.