>no Mike or Rich
Who fucking cares?
wtf where's Mike?
This isn't the Picard season finale review
>the two worst members of RLM
No thanks.
Oh, it's nothing.
They ran out of taped videos with Mac I see.
>not liking Jay
you're suppressing your gay lust for him. stop pushing it down. embrace it. turn from a cocoon into the butterfly you were always meant to be.
Jay is second best
Mike> Jay >Rich > Mac > any female > whatever no one cares
Swap Jay with Jack and you're pretty accurate.
>liking Rich
He's become the second most annoying member with his shit forced laugh. You can tell he's just trying too hard to be as loud as possible now because he thinks he's hilarious but it's gotten to the point where I actively avoid Rich episodes because every time someone makes a mildly funny comment he starts hollering like a fucking chimp.
Beardfat is a humor and charisma vacuum that contributes nothing to discussion other than a plot summary.
God I love Morgan Fairchild
not the guy but i am indifferent to Rich but i found the star trek reviews with just him and Mike enjoyable so i consider him good
Don’t look up what she looks like now
>the libtard and the fag
no thanks
Chunky but still hot
Man beardfat is looking fatter and beardier every time he shows up.
Jesus! Beardfat is exceptionally fat from this angle.
Jay is also getting fatter. Soon it's going to be similar to Cinemassacre
Delete this image.
>literally wearing tacobell merch
I'm no Adonis but how the fuck do you get that fat?
I wonder what Jim would say about that tub of lard wearing his merch
When are e-celeb worshipers getting banned?
is that metokur shirt shopped?
Snobby film pseuds just like Jay. I'd break your skull in one strike.
Beardfat is legitimately good on Re View. I like him. He just doesn't work on BotW.
Red Letter Media
Upcoming Stuff...
Hey everyone. The next video that's going to be released soon is our re:View of the 1993 comedy Freaked. We're also still working on a behind the scenes video about the making of Space Cop. We've uncovered even more behind the scenes footage than we originally thought we had! It'll probably end up being about 30 minutes long or so. And yes, we're also currently working on a follow up Star Trek: Picard video! That one might take a little longer than the other Picard videos.
you are literally me. he is so fucking god damn LOUD AHAHAHAHA FUNNY LOUD NOISES AHAHAHAHA. christ.
Because he’s not funny, Mike is really the only one with good comedic skills
>. And yes, we're also currently working on a follow up Star Trek: Picard video! That one might take a little longer than the other Picard videos.
Mike having trouble wrangling Rich into the screening room to watch the damn thing.
Stop pretending it was something expected it looks retarded.
>we're also currently working on a follow up Star Trek: Picard video!
Nothing hot about that hag retard
>follow up Star Trek: Picard video!
>Star Trek: Picard
>jay pretending well known genre film is freaking obscure as hell!
I have a feeling that it broke them, or at least Mike, and he needed some time before talking about it.
they literally turn Picard into an android at the end of the season
>user pretending a majority of their audience has ever heard of 90% of the films they talk about
not him, but freaked is on youtube
He should just do that ghost show. That would cheer him up.
Lmao nope.
I know far more about cinema than you (and most people on this board) and I've never heard of Freaked.
Stop pretending. You're not impressing anyone.
It's some bootleg rip though.
Jay was saying that you can't find a legit copy of it in print or streaming anywhere, and he's right.
The fact that it's on some random dude youtube page with almost a million views and hasn't been taken down should tell you how relatively obscure the movie is.
at least aidsmoby tries
beardfat is permacringe and canadian jim is either stoned or doesnt care all the time
that's true
Nah aidsmody is aight most of the time. Jim cracks great jokes out of nowhere but yeah he's mostly zonked out his fucking mind.
Is it stipulated in Jay's contract that he has to laugh once every 30 seconds or something?
by eating
Utter fucking bullshit.
by eating a lot
You like rich because you're a fat bald manlet like him, id backhand you and you'd cry like a little bitch