In the books Theoden isn’t possessed...

>In the books Theoden isn’t possessed, Gandalf just yells at him until he changes his mind suddenly and is then 100% swell
>so dumb the movie had to change it
Who fucking wrote this?

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That would have been based. Gandalf dropping redpills and going red faced until he finally slaps some sense into that cunt
Slap slap bitch

How come no one noticed there was something wrong just by looking at that face ?

Wormtongue was actually working with Saruman and acted as some kind of spiritual poison, I think. I can't remember. After I finish with the Dune books, the original six books, I'll reread the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I do remember that Wormtongue got thrown out of Theodan's palace and then Wormtongue spat on the steps, but a guard of Theoden's took some water and cleaned the portion of the steps that Wormtongue spat upon. Wormtongue.

palpatine syndrome

some book autist will be in here soon enough to refute this


I'm sorry, were you talking about Wormtongue?

This, there was some subtle magical shenanigans but he wasn't a droopy old mumble mouth
Obviously its easier to convey that as they did onscreen instead of having to insert exposition that only works in books
His name is fucking wormtongue though... Maybe don't hire that guy as an advisor

theoden wasn't possessed, gandalf exorcising him in the movies is hackson's shenanigans

They turned Sauron into a floating eye. How is the Theoden shit surprising?

Most of the audience is genuinely so retarded that if Theoden had been shown to be completely normal while being under Saruman's influence, they would have thought of him as a bad guy and never gained trust in the character. Movies work just like propaganda, you have to direct them at the most retarded person in the crowd.

Wormtongue was his nickname

Everyone around the palace knew he was responsible for shit going south, but by that time he'd already pretty much taken over control (to the point where he got Éomer exiled

That's soft magic for you. What did you expect, thunderbolts and shit?

If the movie had come out before the book, you would be complaining that the book changed it. Fuck off you autist.

when thinking about hacksons movies, one has to take into account ralph bakshis animated lotr movie.
hackson saw it upon himself to use bakshis finished and unfinished work as a 1:1 working script for an adaptation from animation to live-action.
obviously this wasn't completely the case, as he had writers make up stuff as some of bakshis work was simply not feasible.

user, please for once in your life be honest with yourself and answer this question truthfully, are you retarded?

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>thousands of years old
>dumb as fuck
>tricked into going to Isengaard by gay Hobbit

Attached: Treebeard.jpg (480x360, 52.58K)

because senile old farts are super smart and wise. vote biden.

Why didn't Mr. Tumnus rape Lucy?

I thought in the books, Treebeard held council with all the other Tree Ents and they decided to go to war with Isengard after the council concluded, they weren't tricked by the hobbits.

It's honestly one of my favorite TTT scenes, seeing Gandalf dab on Saruman after how much he kicked his ass in FotR was really satisfying.

>They turned Sauron into a floating eye
Wait, what? Is he not a evil all seeing eye in the boring ass book? He has a body?

kill yourself faggot

ya trumps youth is his strength

Please leave

you do know that the movie is an adaptation of the book, right?

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As a general rule, anything that doesn't actually make sense or seems overly convenient in the movies is explained more thoroughly and handled better in the books

The movies are actually a very flawed adaptation, the books were just so based that even a flawed adaptation was kino. Even the Hobbit would have worked if they hadn't added four hours of padding to it

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His name was Gríma

Wormtongue is just a nickname

Theoden does say that Wormtongue was once a good and honorable man, the user you replied to is fucking stupid

I'm reading books and watching movies first time in parallel. They should have made it six movies.

>day 0 of nofap

did Tolkien ever explain the gay subliminal relationsships between the hobbits?

>frodo gets penetrated and complaints wound isnt healing
>frodo fled the country cuz he was hurt seeing sam get married to a woman.
>sam telling frodo he could carry his burden
>gollum looking like aids
>the dwarf saying his female dwarves are trans

was it peter jackson or tolkien that has pro-gay?

Your OP right? Maybe finish reading the "boring ass book" before you shit on Tolkien.
And yes. Sauron has a body in the book. He is pretty weak but still has a physical form. Another thing Jackson shat all over.
Theodens exorcism is also unironically one of the most kino moments in the book. Stick to dumbed down, deconstructionist Hollywood garbage and stop reading books user. They are clearly not for you.

I dont think there is any mention in the books of Sauron having a body, I thought that without the ring Sauron can't take a physical form?