Sundance cut of Possessor is going around. Anyone seen it?

Sundance cut of Possessor is going around. Anyone seen it?

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Is it actually going to leak or do I have to beg a teenager on letterboxd for it?

You're never going to see this lol

Great, thanks.

God dammit, something leaks that I actually care about and I'm too autistic to have friends that would ever get the link.

Kek, don't worry sooner or later somebody will get it. Undine and Days are already out.

I've seen both, yes. People have this already but I literally know nobody.

oh love for this shit but when I post my zombie movie it gets ignored? well consider yourselves unfriended.

should i know what this is

I'll shitpost about your zombie movie once I find this if you tell me what it is, but for now this is my priority

Here's the trailer
I have two DVD copies

So why should we watch this?

a zombie fetus rapes a priest's face until he dies, from the toilet
I actually haven't finished it but it's pretty good until you get sick

this looks familiar, feel like ive seen it.

you remember the old shitty fear week or whatever it was on scifi? you likely saw it there

Where's Undine?
I like Petzold and wann watch it

Honestly it's not great but I'll grab the link out of the archive.

If you have Possessor or Siberia I'd appreciate it but even if not, enjoy.
Here you go

Thank you frens!

This is exactly why I recognize this

Okay, I'm pretty much giving up on this thread. Hopefully someone has it eventually.

>teens on letterboxd have the rip
>Yas Forums doesn't
what happened to this place?

I guarantee you people here have it too. The difference is the community. Letterboxd/film twitter has an element of status associated with it (reviewing something a lot of people haven't seen looks good), whereas here, people will just watch something and not post about it. Which is fine, but annoying.

Unfortunately teens on letterboxd actually like interesting films unlike the vast majority of Yas Forums. You bet your ass if it was a new capeshit flick this board would be flooded with links.

they don't actually, they just wanna be contrarian

no we don't

but who are you tho

I've been looking for Days, does anyone happen to have it?

There's a torrent out for it on monova I think. There's also a download link but I'd have to look through the archive

I can dig it up if you need it still, i'm bored currently

I would also like a link to this film

anyone seen a leak for this yet? would love to watch some irish countryside kino on easter

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